act legal Germany

Your boss, the roboter

Dr. Thomas Block, MBA, act legal Germany has published an article in Börsen-Zeitung, a daily newspaper focused on financial markets, about robotics from a labor law perspective.

He claims that the technological progress does not only allow employers to support human workforce by intelligent systems, but also to replace it in specific areas, inter alia in superior positions. That is why it is about time to address the legal framework respectively.

The article is published in Börsen-Zeitung, Edition no. 242, 15 December 2018 and can be accessed via the link on the right (in German only).

Für mehr Informationen, kontaktieren Sie bitte

Dr. Thomas Block, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 36
Anhang: Der Roboter als Chef, Börsen-Zeitung, Ausgabe Nr. 242