Mgr. Barbara Bartovičová

Telefon: +421 2 321 130 31

Doctoral student at the Faculty of Law, University of Trnava, Trnava. Specializes in corporate and litigation law.

Commercial Law, Company Law, M&A

Restructuring, Bankruptcy & Insolvency law

Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

In her previous work experience as a law clerk, Barbara was mainly engaged in providing corporate and litigation services to clients, transactional work, legal due diligence, bankruptcy, restructuring and court proceedings.

In her spare time, she is an active sportswoman, having successfully represented Slovakia in swimming in the past.

Barbara graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Trnava in Trnava. During her studies, she worked as a legal assistant in several law firms, mainly focusing on commercial law, M&A and restructuring. Currently, she is deepening her legal knowledge at her home faculty as part of her doctoral studies and by elaborating her dissertation on “Proving Crimes of Corruption of Public Officials”.


