act legal Bulgaria

Outstanding Professionals

We work around the clock to support the business community with 3 key things in mind: expertise, collaboration, flexibility.

Ivana Bliznakova, LL.M.

Managing Partner
act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Dimitar Kaldamukov, LL.M.

Managing Partner
act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Zhulieta Mandazhieva, LL.M.

Managing Partner
act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Encho Dinev

act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Stanimira Hristova, LL.M.

Attorney at law
act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Dariya Yordanova

Attorney at law
act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Alexander Radenovski, LL.M.

act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Bozhana Yankulova

act legal Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria
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Voici pourquoi act legal est le premier choix de cabinet d'avocats pour les entreprises internationales, les clients corporatifs, les investisseurs, les entrepreneurs et les cadres.

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