
Framework agreements in purchasing: Managing supply and price risks


Framework agreements in strategic purchasing serve as an important instrument for controlling supply and price risks and ensuring supply security. An experienced expert and practitioner will show you how to systematically use framework agreements as “purchasing levers”, how to design them in an economically sensible way and which contract contents and regulations are relevant. You will understand the commercial/economic background and effects, manage risks in a targeted manner and avoid costly traps.


Dr. Felix Melzer

Partner | act legal Germany

Dr. Felix Melzer is attorney at law at act AC Tischendorf | act legal Germany. He advises well-known companies and start-ups as well as executives, among other things in the context of the legal support of business development and corporate financing. In addition, he has proven expertise in insolvency and restructuring law as well as special industry know-how in the field of unmanned systems (UAS).

Dr. Felix Melzer, MBA

Attorney at law
telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 21
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Framework agreements in purchasing: Managing supply and price risks

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    For any questions, please contact

    Lisa Fortmüller

    Attorney at law
    Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 22