Employer Market Report

past meets future +++ skills +++ future +++ priorities +++

Dr. Friederike Jawad, LL.M.

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 32 Küldjön e-mailt
A question of priority: Which areas of law are particularly exciting/demanded at the moment?

Dr. Friederike Jawad „The restructuring-related areas of law, labor law, M&A, insolvency law. However, we advise students/beginners not to specialize too early. Only a broad basic understanding of business law will ensure that you can later understand interrelationships and think outside the box for your clients.”

Dreams of the future: How much „digital law firm” can future lawyers expect?

Dr. Friederike Jawad „In short: „A lot” – lawyers have to face numerous „digital challenges”. Paperless work, digital negotiations and smart documents tools are already common. In the future, legal tech will make everyday work more flexible, but also increase efficiency, and significantly change the traditional legal profession.”

Skill check: which skills are absolutely essential, how much practice is required?

Dr. Friederike Jawad „A broad view pays off! Means: Use your studies and legal clerkship to look at as much as possible. This can be a stay abroad or exciting internships (preferably also in „non-legal” areas). If you have a basic commercial education in addition to legal knowledge, many doors are open to you in commercial law firms.”

Everything is different: what challenges/new developments will prospective young professionals have to face in the next few years?

Dr. Friederike Jawad „The trend toward using legal technology to „take care” of tasks that used to be performed by lawyers will continue in the future. More than ever, therefore, „You never stop learning” applies. However, if you have a good basic education, are willing to continuously improve your skills and are open to new technologies, you have all the skills for an exciting profession.”

Source: www.audimax.de, JURA Q1 2022-Nachgefragt Arbeitsmarktreport 2022

Fashion forward – The Platform Group becomes new shareholder of Fashionette AG

The Platform Group – the pioneer in the field of online platforms (including DocGreen, Stylefy, Taschen24 etc.) becomes a new major shareholder in fashionette AG with the acquisition of 2.4 million shares. The leading online platform for high-quality fashion accessories and perfume & cosmetics in the premium and luxury segment has a turnover of EUR 165 million and continues to grow steadily. The Platform Group, whose origins date back to 1882, still belongs to the family office of Benner Holding and has meanwhile connected 4,000 partners in 16 different industries, is thus consistently expanding its portfolio.

Advisors to The Platform Group on Finance: act legal Germany (act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte), Marcus Columbu (lead), Swantje Columbu

Realignment – Salamander Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG and 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿 are being restructured in self-administration

Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA and Dr. Alexander Höpfner were appointed to the management board on 13 December 2022 and, together with the two other managing directors Jens Keller and Jens Peter Klatt, have since ensured the successful and unrestricted continuation of both traditional companies.

Please click here for more details (article in German language only).

mobility forward – The Platform Group acquires the Mobility Platform Cluno with its shareholding ViveLaCar

The Platform Groupthe pioneer in the field of online platforms (a.o. DocGreen, Stylefy, Taschen24 etc.) has acquired the mobility platform Cluno Deutschland from the listed Cazoo GROUP, UK, with its shareholding ViveLaCar. With the acquisition of several thousand vehicles, subscribers, 50 employees as well as the offices in Munich, ViveLaCar is now the largest car subscription platform in the DACH region and The Platform Group one of the largest fleet owners in Germany, behind Sixt, Hertz, etc.

With the acquisition of several thousand vehicles, subscribers, 50 employees as well as the offices in Munich, ViveLaCar is now the largest car subscription platform in the DACH region and The Platform Group one of the largest fleet owners in Germany, behind Sixt, Hertz, etc.

Advisors to The Platform Group: act legal Germany (act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte), Marcus Columbu (Project Management, Finance), Dr. Fabian Brocke, LL.M. (M&A)
Advisors ViveLaCar GmbH: Dr. Michael Inhester (M&A), Poellath, München
Advisors Cazoo Group: Anthony Cross, Luise Meyer-Lindemann (both M&A), Eversheds Sutherland, Munich

New version of MaRisk – Circular 10/2021 (BA) – Minimum risk management requirements

What exactly is the issue?

BaFin is currently consulting on an amendment to MaRisk, which will probably be implemented in Q1/Q2 2023.

Subject of the implementation

The 7th MaRisk amendment adopts in particular the requirements of the EBA guidelines on loan origination and monitoring (EBA/GL/2020/06) and thus a large number of additions to the design of credit processes as well as the consideration of ESG factors.

Furthermore, provisions on the handling of real estate business, in particular set-up organization, processes in real estate business, especially in acquisition/establishment, processing and monitoring of real estate projects are introduced.

Changes affecting all institutions

One of the most significant changes in the 7th MaRisk amendment relates to the consideration of ESG risks in the definition of risk-bearing capacity and its analysis, the design of the business strategy, risk management and controlling processes, and the ICS of an institution, including risk reporting.

Institutions must align their business strategy in an economically sustainable manner and develop it on the basis of a forward-looking analysis. To this end take into account changing environmental conditions and the transition to a sustainable economy. To this end, a business model analysis, including stress tests, must be carried out.

In the future, the institute’s capital planning must take into account operational business planning.
The use of models for decision-making (e.g. risk classification and quantification procedures, stress tests, valuation models, etc.) is subject to new requirements in terms of data sources, adjustments and reliability. The Ma-Risk amendment does not affect models that require approval by the competent authorities and fall within the scope of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR).

Innovations in lending

When granting loans and valuing loan collateral, ESG risks must be taken into account and the EBA Guidelines on Lending and Monitoring (EBA/GL/2020/06) must be followed. Loans and loan collateral shall be analyzed at least annually for enforceability and default risks.

Leveraged Transactions

Institutions with a portfolio of leveraged transactions shall also comply with the requirements of the EBA Guidelines on Lending and Supervision (EBA/GL/2020/06), Section 4.3.2 (Leveraged Transactions) when defining their strategy.

Changes in the lending business

If an institution is active in the real estate business (investment volume of more than EUR 10 million per year and/or 2% of total assets), MaRisk defines in the new Special Part BTO 3 requirements for the organizational structure, processes in the real estate business, in particular for acquisition/construction and the further processing and monitoring of real estate projects as well as the monitoring of real estate projects.

Effects on practice

All changes must be reflected accordingly in the organizational guidelines. This means that you not only have to implement the changes, but also document that you will implement them in the future.
We will be happy to support you in adapting your organizational guidelines and manuals in a way that fits the scope of your business model and reflects your corporate culture.

BaFin focuses audit on product governance and objects to accuracy of financial market participants

Complaints about product governance

BaFin has examined product providers as well as distributors, i.e. portfolio managers, investment advisors, etc., and found numerous reasons for objections. The complaints relate in particular to the following topics:


Target market identification

When determining the target market, product providers must specify exactly what knowledge, experience, risk appetite, etc. the investors must have who are to be suitable for the product in question. The more complex a product is, the more extensive and in-depth the individual characteristics of the potential target customers must be designed (proportionality principle) to ensure that only customers within the target market are eligible for purchase.

BaFin has found that product providers rarely base their target market definition on the proportionality principle. There is a need for improvement here.

Costs and fees

The cost and fee structure must also fit the target customers. Costs, for example, must not eat up the expected return. Product providers must calculate and evaluate this accordingly when designing the product.


Target market identification

For distributors, the target market must be determined individually against the background of the company’s own customer base. An independent target market definition must therefore be carried out; an unchecked takeover from the product provider is not sufficient. The following also applies to this target market definition: the more complex a product is, the more extensive and in-depth the individual characteristics of the potential target customers must be (principle of proportionality).



The responsibility for proper target market determination in compliance with the proportionality principle lies with the respective product provider or sales company. They cannot therefore delegate these tasks in one direction or the other.

Implementation in organizational guidelines

The best way to counter BaFin’s objections is to include appropriate requirements in your organizational guidelines.

We have years of experience in drafting them and therefore know exactly what is important and how you can implement them in a way that fits your corporate culture. Please feel free to contact us at any time and arrange a meeting.

Green Deal: eprimo acquires first own solar park

  • Energy trendsetter acquires 49 percent stake in PV plant in Biehla near Kamenz (Saxony)
  • Installed capacity to be expanded to a total of around 1.75 MWp by spring 2023

With the acquisition of its first own solar park, Germany’s largest green energy discounter eprimo is actively driving forward the energy transition. The PV park in Biehla (Saxony) will supply almost 590 households with climate-friendly energy. From April 2023, eprimo will make the electricity generated available to its customers via a direct purchase agreement (Power Purchase Agreement).

From now on, 49 percent of the solar park in Biehla near Kamenz in Saxony will be owned by eprimo, while RenExpert GmbH will hold a 51 percent share. The PV plant, whose first construction phase has been in operation since October 2021, currently generates an output of just under 750 kWp. This year, the expansion will start with a planned additional output of around 1 MWp. Commissioning is scheduled for spring 2023. The solar park will then have a total yield of 1.8 GWh. With an average consumption of around 3,100 kWh per household, this plant alone is expected to supply around 590 households with green electricity.

Due to the direct purchase agreement, the electricity is purchased in such a way that the customers of the eprimo Green Power Community (GSC) are directly supplied with the generated energy. This means that GSC customers can use the locally produced green power even if they do not generate their own electricity. For every kWh consumed by the GSC, eprimo provides 0.3 cents and thus promotes the further expansion of renewable energies with the eprimo Sonnencent. The PV park in Biehla is the first PV plant financed with the Sonnencent.

About eprimo

eprimo, the energy changer. As Germany’s green energy discounter with the most customers, eprimo is a provider of green electricity and green gas and brings the energy turnaround to over 1.7 million households. All customers are offered numerous opportunities to actively participate in the expansion of renewable energies: Through attractive additional payments for prosumers, the promotion of new PV systems with the Sonnencent, and participation in citizen energy projects, their customers become #energiewendemachers. As a company, eprimo also acts sustainably and is climate-neutral in all its business activities.

Advisors eprimo

act legal Germany (act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte)Marcus Columbu (Lead Partner; Regulatory & Finance); Dr. Fabian Brocke, LL.M. (M&A); Dr. Fabian Laugwitz, MBA, LL.M. Eur. (Real Estate); Sarah Landsberg (Corporate)

New Remuneration Ordinance for Medium-sized Securities Institutions
BaFin drafts regulations for securities institutions for the first time

Affected institutions

BaFin is currently consulting on a draft of a remuneration regulation (WpIVergV) for managing directors and risk takers of medium-sized securities institutions (§ 2 para. 17 WpIG). In doing so, BaFin is guided by the Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions (Institutsvergütungsverordnung), which, since the introduction of the WpIG, only applies to institutions that fall under the KWG.

Affected persons

The risk takers covered by the WpIVergV are the managing directors of an institution as well as all employees whose activities have a significant impact on the risk profile of the institution. In principle, all remuneration components are affected.
The aim of the provisions is to oblige institutions to link sustainable qualitative and quantitative criteria to the granting of remuneration to risk takers, which prevent conflicts of interest and false motivations and do not run counter to control and monitoring units.

Object of implementation

The draft of the WpIVergV contains special rules for the design of the remuneration systems of risk takers of so-called medium-sized securities institutions. Small securities institutions are not affected by the WpIVergV.

Essential regulatory content

The draft of the WpIVergV contains special rules for the design of the remuneration systems of risk takers of so-called medium-sized securities institutions. Small securities institutions are not affected by the WpIVergV.
Essential regulatory content You are obliged to adapt your remuneration strategy and your remuneration system to your business and risk strategy, and to and risk strategy and to structure the remuneration of the risk takers appropriately. For this purpose, the WpIVergV contains numerous requirements that must be complied with. These requirements include, in particular, the amount of variable remuneration, questions of appropriateness, measures for the evaluation and adjustment of the remuneration system as well as individual remuneration and remuneration components, the manner of granting variable remuneration and partial retention (deferred payments) as well as the regular review of the implementation of these requirements.


Responsible for the implementation of the WpIVergV are, with regard to the managing directors, the supervisory body or, failing that, the managing directors of the institution and, with regard to the other risk takers, the managing directors of the institution.

Implementation in organisational guidelines

The requirements of the WpIVergV must be implemented in your organisational guidelines, in particular in your remuneration system; furthermore, committees must be set up and responsibilities defined, if necessary.
We have many years of experience in the implementation of the previous Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions (Institutsvergütungsverordnung) and therefore know exactly what is important and how you can implement the requirements in a way that suits your corporate culture. Please feel free to contact us at any time and arrange a meeting.