act legal


This website at is owned and operated by ACT Legal Service Company GmbH on behalf of all act legal firms and their connected businesses.

Details of each act legal firm can be found by accessing the relevant country links on this webpage.

ACT Legal Service Company GmbH
Zeppelinallee 77
60487 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 24 70 97 0
Fax: + 49 (0)69 24 70 97 20

Managing director: Jessica Zenz-Spitzweg
Court of registration: Local court (Amtsgericht) Frankfurt am Main
Registration number: HRB 108295

ACT Legal Service Company GmbH does not provide client services. Such services are provided by the following individual act legal firms in their respective jurisdictions only.

Country specific Information


act legal provides client services in Austria through the act legal firm Wiedenbauer Mutz Winkler & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH, which is registered with the Companies Register (Firmenbuch) at the Regional Court Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, FN 272834b.

The objects of the company are the practice of law, including the necessary auxiliary activities, such as running a law firm and managing the company’s assets. The company is entitled to conduct and conclude transactions of all kinds that serve the purposes of the company and to take all actions that directly or indirectly relate to the objects of the company and are suitable to promote the purposes of the company. The company is not entitled to carry out banking transactions or provide financial services.

The contact details for act legal in Austria are:

Wiedenbauer Mutz Winkler & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Gabelsbergerstraße 5
9020 Klagenfurt

Tel: +43 (0)463 59 16 38
Fax:+43 (0)463 59 16 38-220

Wiedenbauer Mutz Winkler & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Am Heumarkt 10
1030 Vienna

Tel: +43 (0)1 512 59 55
Fax:+43 (0)1 512 59 55-220

Partners (with power of sole representation): Dr. Martin Wiedenbauer, Mag. Martin Mutz LL.M., MMag. Dr. Robert Winkler, Dr. Iris Mutz, Mag. Michael Achleitner LL.M., Mag. Peter Urabl, Dr. Paul Koppenwallner LL.M., Dr. Roman Hager LL.M.

Indemnity insurance (No. 000-0540-2797 HP) is held with Generali Versicherung AG, Viktringer Ring 28, 9020 Klagenfurt. Territorial scope of application: throughout the entire EU region and EEA countries.

The professionals acting for Wiedenbauer Mutz Winkler & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH are lawyers under Austrian law. They are members of the Bar Association in Vienna or Carinthia. They are subject to the Austrian bar rules (RAO, RL-BA), to supervision by the Austrian bar and to professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. These codes of practice may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from

VAT-ID: ATU 62194235.
Tax number: DVR 2110029.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Austria can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Bulgaria through the act legal firm act Dinev, Mandazhieva, Bliznakova & Kaldamukov Lawyer Partnership with its registered office in Sofia, registered with the Sofia Bar Association – No.3500016610 /23.04.2020 and having as sole identification code BG.177434261.

The contact details for act legal in Bulgaria are:

act Dinev, Mandazhieva, Bliznakova & Kaldamukov Lawyer Partnership
103 James Bourchier blvd, fl.5, app 7
1407 Sofia

Tel: +359 889 559 154

Partners (with sole power of representation): Encho Dinev LL.M, Zhuileta Mandazhieva LL.M, Ivana Bliznakova LL.M, Dimitar Kaldamukov LL.M

Indemnity insurance (No. 22001L40020) is held with UNIQA AD, 1000 Sofia 18 Todor Alexandrov blvd. Territorial scope of representation: claims pursued under the laws of Bulgaria.

The professionals working for act Dinev, Mandazhieva, Bliznakova & Kaldamukov Lawyer Partnership are licensed lawyers under Bulgarian Law. They are members of the Bar Association in Sofia.

VAT-ID: BG 177434261.

BULSTAT: 177434261.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Bulgaria can be found here.

Czech Republic

act legal provides client services in the Czech Republic through the act legal firm, act ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL advokátní kancelář s.r.o., registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 120572.

The contact details for act legal in the Czech Republic are:

act ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Truhlářská 13-15
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 222 537 500 501

act ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Divadelní 2728/3a
301 00 Pilsen
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 371 004 500

Partners (with power of sole representation): Mgr. Martin Řanda, LL.M., Mgr. Ing. Jan Havel, Mgr. Alois Šatava and Mgr. Tomáš Rydvan.

Indemnity insurance (No. 2310 0666 19) is held with Colonnade Insurance S.A., 1, rue Jean Piret, L-2350, Luxembourg The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg acting through Colonnade Insurance S.A., branch office, Na Pankráci 1683/127, 140 00 Praha 4. Territorial scope of application: all legal services provided or procured by the firm worldwide (except USA and Canada), in any jurisdiction, and exceeding the Czech market standard.

The professionals acting for act ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL advokátní kancelář s.r.o. are lawyers under Czech law. They are members of the Czech Bar Association. They are subject to special rules regulating the practice of the legal profession (Act on the Legal Profession, Code of Conduct etc.) and professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. These rules may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from The Supervisory Office responsible is the Czech Bar Association.

VAT-ID: CZ27636836.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in the Czech Republic can be found here.


act legal provides client services in France through the act legal firm act Aston Avocats with its registered office in Paris.

The contact details for act legal in France are:

act Aston Avocats
68 av. des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris

Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 94 00 00

Partners (with sole power of representation): Olivier Sanviti, Rachel Dress, Carine Piccio, Romain Rattaz, Sabine Liégès, François-Xavier Ruellan

Indemnity insurance (No. 127 103 713) is held with MMA IARD SA. Territorial scope of representation: claims pursued under the laws of France.

The professionals working for act Aston Avocats are licensed lawyers under French Law. They are members of the Bar Association in Paris.

VAT-ID: FR 55 539859496.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in France can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Germany through the act legal firm act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, which is a limited professional liability partnership under German law governingattorneys and registered with the Register of Partnerships (Partnerschaftsregister) at the local court (Amtsgericht) of Frankfurt am Main, PR 1824.

The contact details for act legal in Germany are:

act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Zeppelinallee 77
60487 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 24 70 97 0
Fax: +49 (0)69 24 70 97 20

Partners (with power of sole representation): Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA, Dr. Stephan Schwilden, MBA, Dr. Tara Kamiyar-Müller, Dr. Florian Wäßle, LL.M., Dr. Marco Loesche, Dr. Thomas Block, MBA, Dr. Stefan Keck, MBA, Dr. Matthias Müller, MBA, Dr. Friederike Jawad, LL.M., Marcus Columbu, Dr. Nina Bogenschütz, Dr. Fabian Brocke, LL.M. and Dr. Fabian Laugwitz, MBA, LL.M., Dr. Alexander Höpfner, Dr. Felix Melzer, Dr. Nina Honstetter, Dr. Michelle Wienser-Lameth, LL.M., CFE, Lisa Fortmüller, Christoph Breithaupt, M.B.L. (HSG).

Indemnity insurance (No: 406 25 573241410) is held with R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Taunusstraße 1, 65193 Wiesbaden. Territorial scope of application: throughout the entire EU region and EEA countries.

The professionals acting for act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte are lawyers under German law. They are members of the Bar Association in Frankfurt am Main. They are subject to professional codes of practice for attorneys (BRAO, RVG, BORA, FAO) and professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. These codes of practice may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from The Supervisory Office responsible is the Bar Association in Frankfurt am Main.

Lawyers who are also notaries are appointed as notaries in Frankfurt am Main and are members of the Chamber of Notaries in Frankfurt am Main. The supervisory authorities are also the President of the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main and the Hessian Ministry of Justice.

They are subject to the professional codes of practice governing notaries, which include in particular: Federal Notarial Code (BNotO), the official regulations for notaries (DoNot), the German Notarisation Act (BeurkG), the Court and Notary Fees Law (GNotKG), the Directive on the maintenance of notarial files and directories (NotAktVV), the guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main and the European Code of Notarial Professional Conduct. These codes of practice may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from and

The Supervisory Office responsible is the President of the District Court Frankfurt am Main. 

Lawyers who are also tax consultants are licensed in Germany as tax consultants and are members of the Hessen Institute of Tax Consultants.

They are subject to the professional codes of practice governing tax consultants, which include, in particular: the Law on tax consultancy (StBerG), the Regulations implementing the Law on tax consultancy (DVStB), the Federal Institute of Tax Consultants’ Code of Practice (BOStB) and the Tax Consultancy Fees Regulations (StBGebV).

These can all be accessed and viewed at the Federal Institute of Tax Consultants website (

Their supervisory authority is the Hessen Institute of Tax Consultants.

VAT-ID: DE207006068
Tax number: 01430101136.

Editor: act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte, Zeppelinallee 77, 60487 Frankfurt am Main, Tel: +49 69 247097 0, Fax: +49 69 247097 20, Email:

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Germany can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Hungary through the act legal firm Bán & Partners Attorneys at Law (Bán Gergely Ügyvédi Iroda) with its registered office in Budapest, entered in the register by the Dr. Bán Gergely Law Firm registered with the Budapest Bar Association, registration No.: 3425.

The contact details for act legal in Hungary are:

Bán és Partners
Office Garden
building A, 5th floor
1117 Budapest, Alíz u. 1

Tel: +36 1 50 15 36 0
Fax: +36 1 50 15 36 1

Partner (with power of sole representation): Dr. Gergely Bán, LL.M.

Indemnity insurance (No.: 421 0000214/0302) is held with Colonnade Insurance S.A. Magyarországi Fióktelepe H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 99. Territorial scope of application: Europe.

The professionals acting for Bán és Partners are attorneys under Hungarian law. They are members of the Hungarian Bar Association. They are subject to special rules regulating the practice of the legal profession (Act on Attorneys, Code of Conduct etc.) and rules applicable in the European Union regarding attorneys. These regulations may be inspected in the offices or downloaded from The Supervisory Office responsible is the Budapest Bar Association.

VAT-ID: HU18708260.
Tax number: 68777250-1-41.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Hungary can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Italy through the act legal firm Legal Us Avvocati Associati, which is a professional association of attorneys under Italian law.

The contact details for act legal in Italy are:

Legal Us Avvocati Associati
Via Confienza 10
10121 Turin

Tel: +39 (0)11 58 19 53 3
Fax:+39 (0)11 04 41 68 5

Legal Us Avvocati Associati
Corso Victor Hugo 3
20123 Milan

Tel: +39 (0)2 89 91 91 11

Partners (with sole power of representation for transactions with a value of up to euro 50.000 and as joint signatories together with another partner for higher transaction): Luca Vicarioli, Federica Franchi.

Indemnity insurance (No. 2020/03/2418889) is held with Reale Mutua Assicurazioni S.p.A. – Venaria Reale insurance agency. Territorial scope of application: Italy.

The professionals acting for Legal Us Avvocati Associati are lawyers under Italian law. They are members of the Bar Association in Turin. They are subject to the law regulating attorneys’ professional practice (L. 247/2012 that may be downloaded from and the professional code of practice for attorneys (Codice deontologico forense that may be downloaded from and professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. 

VAT-ID: IT11370310010.


act legal provides client services in The Netherlands through the act legal firm Fort Advocaten N.V. (public company) with its registered office in Amsterdam, registered with The Dutch Bar Association of The Hague.

The contact details for act legal in The Netherlands are:

Fort Advocaten N.V.
Teniersstraat 1
1071 DX Amsterdam

Tel: +31 (0)20 66 45 11 1
Fax:+31 (0)20 66 20 47 0

Partners: Pieter Twaalfhoven, Terry Steffens, Katinka Verdurmen, Jodit de Bruin, Berth Brouwer, Derk van Geel, Elias van Kampen, Dirk van den Berg, Mirre Vermeer and Sascha Stavenuiter.

FORT’s professional liability insurance is held with Allianz Nederland Corporate, located at Coolsingel 139 (3012 AG) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Territorial scope: European Union, countries belonging to the European Economic Area and / or Switzerland. United States and Canada: Limited.

The professionals acting for Fort Advocaten are lawyers under Dutch law. They are members of the Netherlands Bar (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) and subject to the Code of Conduct of the Netherlands Bar and the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers. These codes of practice may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from The “Raad van Discipline” of the Amsterdam Bar acts as disciplinary council for professional misconduct cases.

VAT-ID: NL821784262B01.
Chamber of Commerce: 34372941.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in the Netherlands can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Poland through the act legal firm act Bieniak Smołuch Wielhorski Wojnar i Partnerzy. Adwokaci, Radcowie Prawni i Doradcy Podatkowi sp.p. with its registered office in Warsaw, listed in the register of business entities held by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS number: 0000560692, REGON [Statistical Number]: 361645591, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 7010487556.

The contact details for act legal in Poland are:

act Bieniak Smołuch Wielhorski Wojnar i Partnerzy. Adwokaci, Radcowie Prawni i Doradcy Podatkowi sp.p.
Varso 2
ul. Chmielna 73
00-801 Warsaw

Tel: +48 22 42 05 95 9
Fax:+48 22 42 05 96 0

Partners (with sole power of representation): Jacek Bieniak, Piotr Smołuch, Michał Wielhorski, Marek Wojnar and Piotr Wojnar. Other partners: Dominika Michalska, Ewa Ostaszkiewicz-Sobiczewska, Sebastian Sury, Janusz Szeliński, Magdalena Banaszczyk-Głowacka, Marta Kosiedowska, Giuseppe La Rosa, Katarzyna Marzec, Alicja Sołtyszewska, Piotr Pośnik, Łukasz Piekarski, Małgorzata Wąsowska, Marek Miszkiel, Michał Sołtyszewski, Barbara Szczepkowska, Mateusz Prokopiuk.

Indemnity insurance (professional indemnity insurance policy number: 06.335.400) is held with AXA Ubezpieczenia Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji S.A., Chłodna 51, 00-867 Warsaw. Territorial scope of representation: claims pursued under the laws of Poland, other EEA member states and Switzerland, as well as before common courts of law in Poland, other EEA member states and Switzerland.

The professionals working for act Bieniak Smołuch Wielhorski Wojnar i Partnerzy. Adwokaci, Radcowie Prawni i Doradcy Podatkowi sp.p are licensed lawyers under Polish law. As such, their conduct and practice are governed by regulations applicable to legal professions, available at the websites of their respective Bar Associations: and

Tax identification number (NIP): PL 7010487556.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Poland can be found here.


act legal provides client services in the Romania through act legal firm Botezatu Estrade & Asociații S.P.A.R.L, a limited professional liability partnership with its registered office in Bucharest, registered with the Bucharest Bar Association by the decision no. D2589/26.11.2019 and having as sole identification code RO35494020.

The contact details for act legal in Romania are:

Botezatu Estrade & Asociații S.P.A.R.L
Victoria Center
145 Calea Victoriei, 4th floor, 010072
District 1, Bucharest

Tel: +40 21 26 07 85 5
Fax:+40 21 79 57 62 4

Partners (with sole power of representation): Ștefan Botezatu, Laura Estrade and Mihaela Poșircă.

Indemnity insurance (No. 571113703) is held with Allianz Țiriac Asigurări S.A, Moșilor agency, 270 Calea Moşilor, postal code 020891, District 2, Bucharest. Territorial scope of application: Romania, for legal assistance offered to Romanian or foreign clients.

The professionals acting for Botezatu Estrade & Asociații S.P.A.R.L. are lawyers under Romanian law. They are members of the Bucharest Bar Association. They are subject to special rules regulating the practice of the legal profession and professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. These rules may be inspected in our offices or downloaded from The Supervisory Office responsible is the Bucharest Bar Association.

VAT-ID: RO 35494020.
Tax number: 35494020.

Further information about act legal’s presence in Romania can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Slovakia through the act legal firm Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners s. r. o., which has it registered office in Bratislava; it is registered in the Commercial Register at the local District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, insert no.: 8248/B.

The contact details for act legal in Slovakia are:

Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners s. r. o.
Twin City Tower
Mlynské nivy 10
821 09 Bratislava

Tel: +421 23 21 13 03 1
Fax:+421 23 21 44 14 8

Partners (with sole power of representation): JUDr. Milan Malata, JUDr. Róbert Pružinský, JUDr. Vincent Hegedüš, Mgr. Jana Alušíková.

Indemnity insurance (No. 1110003017) is held with with PREMIUM Insurance Company Limited, The Landmark, Level 1, Suite 2, Triq I-lljun, Qormi, Qrm 3800, Malta, acting in the territory of the Slovak Republic through its organisational unit PREMIUM Insurance Company Limited, branch of insurance undertaking from another Member State, Šoltésovej 14, 811 08 Bratislava, ID no.: 50 659 669, registered in the Commercial Register at the local District Court Bratislava I, section: Po, insert no.: 3737/B). Territorial scope of application: throughout Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Austria and with an extended scope of application to the European region.

The professionals acting for Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners s. r. o. are attorneys and lawyers under Slovak law. They are registered members of the Slovak Bar Association. Attorneys’ professional practice is mainly regulated by Act No. 586/2003 Coll. On Advocacy as amended and by other professional regulations issued by the Slovak Bar Association (such as Advocacy Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedural Code) which also implement professional rules for attorneys in the European Union. These regulations may be inspected in our offices or can be downloaded from The Supervisory Office responsible is the Slovak Bar Association in Bratislava.

VAT-ID: SK2023581593.
Tax number: 202358159.

Further information about act legal‘s presence in Slovakia can be found here.


act legal provides client services in Spain through the act legal firm Aledra Legal, S.L.P., with its registered office in Madrid.

The objects of the company are the activities inherent to the practice of law in all its extension.

The contact details for act legal in Spain are:

Aledra Legal, S.L.P.
Calle Ayala número 11, 3ª planta
28001, Madrid

Tel: +34 91 577 98 19

Partners: Ms. Cristina de Santiago; Ms. Cristina Alba; Ms. Mónica Cid; Ms. Rocío Gil; Mr. Eduardo Cardona; Mr. Javier Pascual; Mr. Manuel J. Martin; Mr. Alfredo Solana.

Indemnity insurance (nº EA22PI1074) is held with MARKEL INSURANCE SE SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA, with N.I.F. W-27648981, and domicile at Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso 1, planta 35, Edificio Torre Picasso, 28020, Madrid, Spain. Territorial scope of application: throughout the entire EU region.

The professionals acting for Aledra Legal, S.L.P. are lawyers under Spanish law. They are members of the Bar Association in Madrid, Málaga or Valladolid. They are subject to the Spanish bar rules (“Código deontológico”), to supervision by the Spanish bar and to professional rules for attorneys in the European Union.

Tax Identification Number (N.I.F.): B-82615436

Further information about act legal’s presence in Spain can be found here.