act legal Germanyact legal Austria

act legal workshop: Companies´ Data Protection

Our lawyers from act legal Austria, WMWP, and act legal Germany, AC Tischendorf, are inviting to the act legal workshop “Companies’ Data Protection” (in German language).

Data Protection – a recent topic which is important to every company in Europe: the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has to be implemented until 25 May 2018. 

Therefore, Dr. Paul Koppenwallner, LL.M., Mag. Martin Mutz, LL.M., Dr. Thomas Block, MBA and Dr. Florian Wäßle, LL.M. will present you the important requirements of the GDPR in Germany and Austria and their best practice recommendations during this workshop.

The workshop will take place on:

● 16 January 2018 in Vienna

● 30 January 2018 in Frankfurt

Please send your registration until 23 January 2018 to or accordingly.

Find more details in the PDF document on the right.

For more information please contact

Dr. Thomas Block, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 36

Dr. Florian Wäßle, LL.M.

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 46

Mag. Martin Mutz, LL.M.

act legal Austria Klagenfurt, Austria
Phone: +43 463 5916 38 200

Dr. Paul Koppenwallner, LL.M.

act legal Austria Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 512 59 55 700
Attachment: Flyer Workshop Companies´ Data Protection (in German language only)