act legal Western Balkans

Outstanding Professionals

act legal Western Balkans has the service profile of a major international law firm, combined with the efficient structures of a boutique. Hence, with us you receive top quality individual advice at an attractive price. We have grown consistently from within over 20 years. Our age mix ensures momentum and experience at pace with the times. With act legal Germany you have a guarantee of continuity and clout.

Predrag Miladinović

Managing Partner
act legal Western Balkans Beograd, Western Balkans
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Dejan Vuković

Managing Partner
act legal Western Balkans Beograd, Western Balkans
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Aleksandra Ćalić Bošković

Senior Partner
act legal Western Balkans Beograd, Western Balkans
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Dejan Plamenac

act legal Western Balkans Beograd, Western Balkans
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Jovana Čapaković

Senior Partner
act legal Western Balkans Beograd, Western Balkans
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act legal Unicitate

Iată de ce act legal este principala alegere ca firmă de avocatură pentru întreprinderi internaționale, clienți corporativi, investitori, antreprenori și directori.

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