act legal Poland

act legal Poland as advisor to investment funds managed by Credit Value Investment

The lawyers of act BSWW provided legal services to investment funds managed by Credit Value Investment (CVI) on the issuance of bonds by Telematics Technologies sp. z o.o. with a total nominal value of approx. PLN 48m for the purpose of refinancing the participation of MCI. Tech Ventures in Naviexpert sp. z o.o.

act BSWW also advised on phantom shares option provided for in the rules agreed by the Parties.

Moreover, act BSWW compiled documentation related to the bond issue in question, including securities-related documents.

The project was supervised by managing partner Piotr Smołuch. The legal team also included senior associate Michał Pawlak.

Naviexpert sp. z o.o. offers, among others, mobile app NaviExpert and services related to B2B Telematics.

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Piotr Smołuch

Managing partner
act legal Poland Warsaw, Poland
Telefon: +48 22 420 59 59