The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) under the CSRD are coming – „to dos” for companies

The new reporting obligation under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) begins in the 2024 financial year for all companies already covered by the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The report must be submitted for the first time in 2025 for the year 2024; for numerous other companies, the reporting obligations will begin between 2025 and 2028.

I. Introduction

In the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the European Commission has drawn up binding guidelines on the structure and content of the report. Below we provide a brief overview of the structure and content of the ESRS.

In Germany, the CSRD is being implemented with the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG). This ensures that companies deal with the implementation of the law in good time and collect the data required for reporting in the legally prescribed form. After all, those who „lag behind” here will not only suffer a negative impact on the company’s (ESG) rating, making it less attractive to investors – not to mention the reputational damage. In addition, violations are punishable by fines; the amounts range from 50,000 euros to 10 million euros – or even 5% of the annual group turnover.

It is therefore advisable to stay „ahead of the curve” – not only to avoid fines, but also and especially to remain or become attractive to investors, customers and even skilled workers.

II. What is it all about?

The CSRD is a European directive that aims to improve corporate reporting on sustainability aspects and thus replace the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). Companies already required to report under the NFRD will have to report for the 2024 financial year in 2025. From the 2025 financial year, new companies that fulfil the respective size criteria will be added annually.

However, the CSRD does not regulate the content and structure of the reports to be submitted. These contents and structure are bindingly defined in the Delegated Regulation on the first sentence of the ESRS published by the European Commission on 31 July 2023 in order to ensure the comparability of sustainability reports.

Unfortunately, it cannot be said that the European Commission has succeeded in drafting these standards in a clear, easy-to-understand and concise manner. On the contrary: companies subject to reporting requirements are facing an immense amount of work in order to fulfil their reporting obligations from 2025. We recommend that every company begins to familiarise itself intensively with the ESRS at least 18 to 24 months before the end of the financial year for which it is required to report for the first time. Only in this way can it ensure that it collects the required data for the reporting year in a way that meets the requirements of the first 12 (!) published ESRS standards – more will follow.

These twelve published standards comprise two overarching standards and five topic-related standards on environmental topics, four topic-related standards on social topics and one topic-related standard on governance topics. In terms of content, these standards are based on the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and structurally on the structure of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) with the reporting elements „Governance”, „Strategy”, „Risk Management” and „Key Figures and Targets”.

Sustainability aspects must be reported on the basis of the principle of „dual materiality”. Information on a sustainability aspect must therefore be disclosed if it is considered material either from an impact perspective (effects of business activities on the environment and society) or from a financial perspective (financial effects of sustainability-related risks and opportunities) or from both perspectives.

III. Who has to report for which financial year and when?

The scope of the ESRS depends on the following key figures, which are subject to reporting requirements:

(1) from the 2024 financial year in the 2025 annual report: companies that are already subject to a reporting obligation under the Non Financial Reporting Directive („NFRD”);

(2) from the 2025 financial year in the 2026 annual report: All other large corporations that meet at least two of the following three criteria: (1) at least 250 employees on an annual average, (2) total assets of at least EUR 20 million, (3) turnover of at least EUR 40 million;

(3) from the 2026 financial year in the 2027 annual report: Listed SMEs as well as small and non-complex credit institutions and captive insurance companies; and

(4) from the 2028 financial year in the 2029 annual report: third-country companies with subsidiaries or branches in the EU. This only applies if the threshold of EUR150 million net sales in the EU is exceeded over a period of two years.

IV. Structure of the ESRS

The ESRS requires companies to analyse their sustainability performance in depth, in some cases right through to the supply chain and the end of the product life cycle. Mandatory ESRS indicators of a qualitative and quantitative nature, as well as reliable information on the development of a company’s own sustainability performance, make companies much more accountable than before. The ESRS are divided into three categories that complement and interact with each other:

a) Cross-cutting standards that cover general concepts and principles for the preparation of sustainability statements and contain overarching disclosure requirements.

b) Topical standards, each of which covers a specific and clearly defined sustainability topic, i.e. disclosure requirements in relation to sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities that are considered material for all companies regardless of specific sectors.

c) Sector-specific standards that cover the disclosure of information on sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities that are considered material for all companies in a particular industry (not yet published).

V. ESRS: Overarching standards

ESRS1 General requirements

ESRS 1 prescribes binding concepts and principles that apply to the preparation of sustainability statements in accordance with the CSRD. All material information on sustainability-related impacts (effects of business activities on the environment and society), risks and opportunities should be disclosed in the sustainability statements in accordance with the applicable ESRS. The ESRS prescribe reporting in accordance with standardised, sector-independent and sector-specific disclosure requirements, supplemented by company-specific disclosures that are to be developed in accordance with the principles set out in ESRS 1.

ESRS2 General disclosures

ESRS 2 builds on the content of the requirements in ESRS 1 General Requirements and contains overarching disclosure requirements for the sustainability statement.

VI. ESRS: Thematic standards on environmental issues

E1 Climate change

This standard provides disclosure requirements that enable the addressees of a company’s sustainability statements to understand the following aspects (non-exhaustive list): The company’s plans and ability to adapt its strategy and business model in line with the transition to a sustainable economy and to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

E2 Environmental pollution (Pollution)

This standard provides disclosure requirements to enable users of an organisation’s sustainability disclosures to understand the following aspects (non-exhaustive list): All measures taken to prevent, mitigate or remedy actual or potential negative impacts and to manage risks and opportunities and the results of these measures.

E3 Water and marine resources

The standard provides for disclosure requirements that are intended to enable users of a company’s sustainability statements to understand whether, how and to what extent the company contributes to the following points:

a) Ambitions of the European Green Deal for fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity and to ensure the sustainability of the blue economy and the fisheries sector,

b) EU Water Framework Directive,

c) EU marine strategy framework,

d) EU directive on maritime spatial planning (EU maritime spatial planning directive),

e) UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6) Clean water and sanitation and 14) Life below water.

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems

The standard provides for disclosure requirements that should enable the addressees of a company’s sustainability statements to understand the following aspects (non-exhaustive list): The nature, type and extent of the company’s material risks, dependencies and opportunities related to biodiversity and ecosystems, and how the company manages them.

E5 Resource use and circular economy

The standard stipulates disclosure requirements that should enable the addressees of a company’s sustainability statements to understand the following aspects (non-exhaustive list): The financial implications for the company of the material risks and opportunities arising in the short, medium and long term from the company’s impacts and dependencies in relation to resource use and the circular economy.

VII. ESRS: Thematic standards on social issues

S1 Own workforce

The financial impact on the company of the main risks and opportunities arising in the short, medium and long term from the company’s impacts and dependencies in relation to its own workforce.

S2 Workers in the value chain

The nature, type and extent of the company’s material risks and opportunities relating to labour impacts and dependencies in the value chain, and how the company manages them.3S2 Workers in the value chain

S3 Affected communities

Significant positive and negative actual or potential impacts of the organisation on communities in areas where impacts are most likely and severe.

S4 Consumers and end-users

All measures taken to prevent, minimise or eliminate actual or potential impacts and deal with risks and opportunities as well as the results of these measures.

VIII. ESRS: Topic related standards on governance topics

G1 Business conduct

The standard provides disclosure requirements to enable the recipients of a company’s sustainability statements to understand the company’s strategy and approach, its processes and procedures, and its performance in relation to corporate policy.

IX. Outlook

In addition to the development of the first twelve ESRS as „Set 1”, the CSRD also envisages further work packages for EFRAG. The first sector-specific ESRSs are to be developed for a total of around 40 different industries. The development of specific listed SME ESRSs is also planned for the future reporting obligations of capital market-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the scope of application. Voluntary guidelines are to be developed for non-capital-market-oriented SMEs. Specific third-country ESRS are also to be developed for the reporting of third-country companies outside the EU. However, a timetable for the publication of these drafts has not yet been set.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We specialise in the realisation and implementation of compliance-related IT projects in the financial regulatory environment.

Great news – Welcome SKYE Partners

We are delighted to announce that as of 1 July 2023, act legal Germany („ACT”) and SKYE Partners („SKYE”) have merged.

This merger creates a market-leading 360-degree point of contact practice for private equity funds and their portfolio companies on the German legal market. 

SKYE has an outstanding reputation in the private equity industry for its efficient support of small and mid-cap private equity transactions. In particular, this applies to sophisticated primary transactions, on both the buy and the sell side, the implementation of buy and build strategies, and other transaction-relevant issues.

ACT has been a trusted partner for the vast majority of the leading private equity funds for several years focusing on distressed and mid-cap transactions, special situations, and restructurings as well as in the high-performance support of PE portfolio companies in their day-to-day business.

The five-member SKYE team, headed by Founding Partner Christoph Breithaupt, will further expand the segment of leveraged buyout transactions at ACT. In addition to Christoph Breithaupt, who will hold the position of Equity Partner at ACT, Julia Rosigkeit, who was Counsel at SKYE, will also become a Partner.

ACT’s partner circle includes many of the market’s best-known advisors, including, among others: Dr. Sven Tischendorf (distressed M&A, Special Situations, and Restructuring), Dr. Fabian Brocke and Dr. Nina Honstetter (both M&A, Private Equity, and Corporate), Dr. Matthias Müller (distressed M&A, Private Equity, and Corporate), Dr. Tara Kamiyar-Müller (Real Estate transactions), Dr. Alexander Höpfner (StaRUG and Self-administration Proceedings), Dr. Stephan Schwilden and Dr. Friederike Jawad (both Labor Restructuring), Dr. Michelle Wiesner-Lameth (Compliance), Marcus Columbu (Finance), and Dr. Marco Loesche (a notary with extensive transaction expertise).

Together, the combination of ACT and SKYE will support the private equity industry in Germany with some 40 lawyers and business professionals. Additionally, ACT and SKYE will be represented internationally with 11 offices across Europe, and more than 100 experienced private equity lawyers present in all major European economic centers.

ACT and SKYE have already worked together for many years on a great number of successful transactions and look forward to bringing their collaboration to the next level through this exciting merger.

Very welcome SKYE Partners!

„game • set • action” – ACT Frankfurt Open 2023

Our first serve to the first ACT tennis event was a terrific success. Everything was perfect, our guests, the food, the location, the fair play and the atmosphere. An unforgettable afternoon and evening that we will remember for a long time and guaranteed … to be continued…

„100% Power, 100% Innovation, 100% Technik. Ich stelle Weichen.” – IT System & Netzwerk Administrator

Für die Unterstützung und sukzessive Nachfolge in die Verantwortung für die IT unserer Kanzlei suchen wir einen

IT System & Netzwerk Administrator (m/w/d).

Wir sind modern, voll durchinvestiert und verfügen im Branchenvergleich bereits über einen sehr hohen technischen Standard. Die konsequente Weiterentwicklung dieses Standards in den kommenden Jahren hat bei uns höchste Priorität.

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act legal Germany advises Lafayette Mittelstand Capital on acquisition of mdexx

Lafayette Mittelstand Capital takes over the business operations, including all employees, of mdexx, a former business unit of Siemens, by way of an asset deal.  

mdexx develops and manufactures at its sites in Germany, the Czech Republic and China transformers, power supplies, chokes and filters as well as axial- and centrifugal fans for customized ventilation solutions.

mdexx filed for insolvency proceedings under self-administration on 11 October 2021. With the acquisition by Lafayette, which was consummated in July 2022, the business operations can be continued, expanded and all of the approximately 460 jobs of mdexx are secured.


Lafayette Mittelstand Capital is an investment firm focused on carve-outs and restructurings. act legal Germany regularly advises Lafayette on M&A transactions.

Advisor Lafayette:

act legal Germany: Dr. Fabian Brocke, LL.M. (Corporate/M&A); Dr. Fabian Laugwitz, MBA, LL.M. Eur (Real Estate/Commercial); Dr. Nina Bogenschütz (Employment); Marcus Columbu (Finance); Maximilian Dieler (Restructuring/ M&A)

act legal Poland advises Adventum on the acquisition of Mercedes-Benz building

Adventum Group, an investment fund manager operating internationally, has acquired the Mercedes-Benz building in Warsaw.

act BSWW legal & tax provided Adventum with comprehensive legal assistance related to the transaction. The services rendered by the law firm included due diligence of the property, drafting transaction-related documents, and negotiation support.

The law firm also advised Adventum throughout the financing process related to this acquisition. Among others, it negotiated the terms and conditions of the facility agreement with the lender, i.e. Bayerische Landesbank.

The transactional team was led by Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) and Marek Wojnar (Managing Partner). The due diligence audit was prepared under the supervision of Katarzyna Marzec (Partner).

The financing team was led by Marta Kosiedowska (Partner), supported by Mariusz Grochowski (Senior Associate).

“It is the second project acquired by Adventum in Poland this year. In June, Adventum purchased Marynarska Point 1 in Warsaw, and we know that our client is far from having said its last word. We are pleased to have been given the opportunity to support Adventum on all of its Polish acquisitions so far,” says Marta Kosiedowska, Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

“We are proud to witness the rapid growth of our client in Poland. Adventum acquired its first real property in Poland in July 2019, gradually expanding its portfolio which now consists of six prestigious office buildings located in Poland’s major cities,” adds Marek Wojnar, Managing Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

Mercedes-Benz building is a modern office development which has served as the headquarters of companies from the Mercedes-Benz Group for many years.

Adventum Group is a group of boutique investment fund management companies focused on Central European real estate investments. The Group’s personnel includes highly experienced real estate professionals with CFA, NRW and MRICS qualifications, with a combined investment experience of 70+ years. The group has so far executed investments in the CEE region with a total value of over EUR 1.5bn.

act legal Poland advises Interpump Group on EUR 278m cross-border transaction

Interpump Group S.p.A. acquired White Drive Motors & Steering business unit of Danfoss, consisting of three companies based in Poland, Germany and the US. The transaction value is EUR 278 million.

The seller, Danfoss, is a global supplier of mobile hydraulics and electrification products and solutions. White Drive Motors & Steering has manufacturing facilities in the US, Germany and Poland. The deal was made possible by regulatory bodies’ approval (incl. the EU Commission and the US Department of Justice).

act BSWW legal & tax advised Interpump Group on the acquisition of White Drive Motors & Steering sp. z o.o. (formerly operating as Danfoss Power Solutions sp. z o.o.), a Polish company that forms part of the acquired business unit. The company has two production plants in Poland, located near Wrocław.

The services rendered by the law firm included due diligence of the acquired company, drafting transaction-related documents, negotiation support and closing assistance.

The project team was led by Mariusz Grochowski (Senior Associate) and supervised by Jacek Bieniak (Managing Partner).

“We are pleased to advise on such complex transaction, which plays a pivotal role in our Client’s business strategy,” says Jacek Bieniak.

Interpump Group is the world’s largest producer of professional high-pressure piston pumps, as well as one of the global players in the hydraulic components market. It is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange in the FTSE Italia Mid Cap and FTSE Italia STAR indices. Interpump Group manufactures pumps with pressure up to 500 bar, and professional high pressure cleaners, with 75% of the products intended for export.

Danfoss Group is a multinational company with more than 28,000 employees globally. It produces mechanical and electronic components for equipment on a global scale and in a variety of sectors. Danfoss manufactures approx. 250,000 individual products daily in 50 factories located in 20 countries. The Group’s distribution network consists of approx. 110 agencies. The corporate headquarters are located in Nordborg, Denmark.

act legal Poland advises Adventum on EUR 84m acquisition of Sky Tower

Adventum Group, an investment fund manager operating internationally, is at the final stage of the EUR 84.42 million acquisition of Sky Tower, a landmark development in Wrocław, one of Poland’s biggest and highest mixed-use projects.
Develia S.A. (the seller) and Adventum Group (the buyer) have entered into the preliminary sale agreement, with the final agreement slated to be signed until the end of 2021.

act legal Poland (act BSWW legal & tax) has provided Adventum with comprehensive legal assistance with respect to the preliminary agreement, and will continue to do so until the project’s completion. The services rendered by the law firm included due diligence of the property, drafting transaction-related documents, and negotiation support.

The project team was led by Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) and Marek Wojnar (Managing Partner co-heading the law firm’s real estate practice). The due diligence audit was prepared under the supervision of Katarzyna Marzec (Partner). The transactional team was supported by Anna Sawaryn (Senior Associate).

“The rapid expansion of Adventum’s portfolio in Poland is very impressive. We are proud to have earned the trust of one of the fastest-developing funds on the Polish market,” says Marta Kosiedowska, Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

“Adventum’s portfolio is growing to above 125,000 m² of office space with this transaction. Sky Tower expands Adventum’s retail presence in Poland. We are delighted to support this Client yet again in such prestigious acquisition,” adds Marek Wojnar, Managing Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

Sky Tower is one of the highest office, commercial and residential complexes in Poland (212 metres and 50 floors). Apart from over 30,500 m² of leasable office space, the project covers commercial space (25,000 m²), luxury apartments, comprehensive leisure facilities, and a multi-level underground car park. The total area of the building is approx. 171,000 m².

Adventum Group is a group of boutique investment fund management companies focused on Central European real estate investments. The Group’s personnel includes highly experienced real estate professionals with CFA, NRW and MRICS qualifications, with a combined investment experience of 70+ years. The group has so far executed investments in the CEE region with a total value of over EUR 1.5bn.

The seller was represented by Dentons.

act legal Poland advises Adventum on purchase of Marynarska Point 1

Adventum Group, an investment fund manager operating internationally, has successfully closed the transaction of purchase from Savills Fund Management GmbH of Marynarska Point 1 in Warsaw, a modern office building offering 13,000 sqm. of rentable office space. Thanks to this transaction, the Polish portfolio of Adventum’s offices has grown to above 75,000 sqm.

act BSWW advised Adventum throughout the whole purchase process. The services provided by the law firm included due diligence of the property, drafting transaction-related documents, negotiation support and transaction-related advice.

The project team was led by Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) and Marek Wojnar (Managing Partner co-heading the real estate practice of the law firm). Due diligence audit was prepared under the direction of Magdalena Banaszczyk-Głowacka (Partner). The transitional team was supported by Anna Olmińska-Kieżun (Associate).

– It is the fifth real property acquired by the fund in Poland over the last two years; Adventum International has already purchased Poznań Financial Centre (Poznań), Renaissance Plaza (Warsaw), Katowice Business Point (Katowice) and Centrum Orląt (Wrocław) – says Marta Kosiedowska, Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

– We are delighted with the trust of our Client. We had the opportunity to assist Adventum on all those projects and we continue to advise the fund on its further ventures in Poland – says Marek Wojnar, Managing Partner at act BSWW legal & tax.

Marynarska Point 1 is a A-class office building offering 13,000 sqm. leasable area across 11 storeys.

Adventum Group is a group of boutique investment fund management companies focused on Central European real estate investments. The Group’s personnel includes highly experienced real estate professionals with CFA, NRW and MRICS qualifications, with a combined investment experience of 70+ years. The management has so far executed investments in the CEE region with a total value of over EUR 1.5bn.

The seller was represented by Dentons.

act legal Poland advises on sale of two retail parks

act BSWW legal & tax has acted on behalf of Rank Progress in relation to the sale of Miejsce Piastowe retail park and the preliminary sale agreement for Pasaż Wiślany retail park in Grudziądz.

On July 29, 2021, Progress XXXVII sp. z o.o. (subsidiary of Rank Progress S.A.) entered into an agreement for the sale of 2.4963 ha of developed land in Miejsce Piastowe (near Krosno), together with a 4,752.67 m2 GLA retail park and additional developments.

On August 5, 2021, Progress XXXVI sp. z o.o. (subsidiary of Rank Progress S.A.) entered into a preliminary agreement for the sale of 1.8299 ha of developed land, together with Pasaż Wiślany retail park whose GLA is 5,188.64 m2. As long as all conditions precedent are fulfilled, the final agreement will be signed until October 28, 2021.

The law firm assisted the client at all stages of the sale of the property in Miejsce Piastowe, and with the preliminary sale agreement for the property in Grudziądz.
The project was managed by Mateusz Prokopiuk, Partner at act BSWW legal & tax. Aneta Gierzyńska, Senior Associate, was also advising on the transactions. The team was overseen by Michał Wielhorski, Managing Partner.

“These are just two out of a large number of ambitious projects on which we are advising Rank Progress,” says Michał Wielhorski.

Rank Progress is an investment and development company, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.