IP-IT – Media – Data Protection

IP-IT – Media – Data Protection

The IP-IT-Media-Data Protection department at act legal France (Aston Avocats) supports companies and executives with a 360° vision in intellectual property, information technology, and data protection (GDPR).

ICT and Digital Life

  • With a competent multidisciplinary team in all branches of intellectual property, the department assists clients in managing risks and threats to individuals’ freedoms and properties.
  • The team advises you on managing your digital life and guides you in the litigation management of your cases for disputes related to new technologies, both in France and internationally.

Protection of individuals’ personal data

  • act legal France (Aston Avocats) supports its clients at all levels of their digital life:
    Privacy and image protection: Collecting and using personal data has become increasingly easy in recent years, often with insufficient information provided to the internet user. In general, much more information about internet users circulates online today. In the face of this, act legal France is committed to protecting and defending the privacy of its clients.
  • Privacy and personal data protection: Identification of personal data, information and consent, use and transfer of data, protection of sensitive data, right to object to data usage, and right to erasure.
  • Right to digital oblivion
  • Search engine optimization (right to be forgotten)
  • Social media: Terms and Conditions of Use, Right to Image, defamation, cyberbullying, Freedom of Expression, insults, and defamation.
  • Protection of internet user-consumers: Online commerce has become of paramount importance in the current mode of consumption: the Internet has become a space for dematerialized and international commercial exchanges, subject to particular rules. Faced with the opacity of this system and the risks to consumers, act legal France protects and defends its clients to secure their electronic transactions and their rights as consumers.
  • Online commerce: Electronic contracts, General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase
  • Email marketing
  • Electronic communication
  • Protection of intangible assets: In a context of dematerialized economy, the share of intangible wealth plays an increasingly important role in individuals’ assets. Aston is committed to protecting these assets.
  • Protection of literary and artistic property;
  • Copyright and neighboring rights, protection of digital works, protection of works on the internet.

Legal protection related to companies’ digital life

act legal France provides advice and litigation support in all areas that start-ups, SMEs, and large corporations may encounter in the digital realm. The team helps them manage and protect their image and online presence:

  • E-reputation („reputation management,” brand protection on the internet), parasitism, unfair competition
  • Search engine optimization
  • Domain name, cybersquatting
  • E-counterfeiting
  • Software licensing agreements, maintenance agreements, software development or integration contracts, software assignment contracts
  • Contracts related to applications – „Application Service Provider” contracts or „Software as a Service” contracts
  • E-commerce (F-commerce), online sales, General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use (GTC/GCU)
  • Internet service provider and hosting
  • Search engine optimization
  • Online advertising


act legal France also provides training to companies on the new rights and obligations related to the internet, particularly regarding personal data:

  • Databases and personal data: CNIL formalities (declaration, information, consent of the internet user), assistance with compliance (CIL – Data Protection Officer: assistance with legal and IT security of the company).
  • Labor law and the internet (IT charter, control of internet usage in the workplace by employees, dismissal, disciplinary.

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