Alexandra Ovedenie

Telefono: +40 21 260 78 55

Seasoned Counsel specialised in the Banking, Finance, and Financial Services field. With over 20 years of experience, her expertise lies in regulatory banking, financial instruments and services, and capital markets-related matters. Previos experience in the legal departments of three prominent banks in Romania, as well as in the banking practices of three renowned international law firms’ Romanian correspondent firms. Her track record also includes working in the resolution department of the Romanian National Bank where she participated to projects involving setting the bail-in operationalisation, MREL instruments and resolution-related playbooks.

Banking, Finance & Financial Services

  • Her unique background, serving both internal and external clients as well as institutions, empowers her to comprehend intricate client needs, collaborate across divisions, and provide comprehensive assistance with regulatory and transactional projects in the banking and financial services sector.
  • She assisted with financing projects (drafting, perfection, legal opinions – lenders or borrower’s side), implementation of EU regulatory standards in the banking and financial investment field – such as EMIR, MIFID, CRR, PSD, ISDA master agreement, collaterals and opinions and coordinating legal due diligence on the financing activity of the targets (including banks) in M&A transactions. Notably, she has been involved in facilitating a pharmaceutical subsidiary’s participation in an international securitization scheme.
  • Romanian
  • English
  • German