Pubblicazioni act legal

Practitioners’ Guide for Labour Law in Germany (Chinese)

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The purpose of this book is to provide investors and companies with a practical guide for labour law in Germany.

Contrary to most other publications on labour law in Germany, this guide intentionally abstains from theoretical deliberations (and, therefore, does not cite legal norms) but gives short and practical answers to the usual questions asked by foreign investors and companies with no experience in Germany. For example, the guide begins with a section on the general trade union landscape, followed by an overview of the existing salary levels and examples of variable remuneration models.

All authors of this guide are highly recognized in their respective jursidictions and with many years of experience in the field of labour law. The content of this chapter mirrors what in their view are the most relevant issues and matters of which a foreign investor or company should be aware of and have a good understanding of the applicable working conditions and working environment in the respective jurisdictions.

In order to keep this guide really practical and easy to read, generalisations and simplifications are used but it goes without saying that the book is not a substitute for specific legal advice on specific labour law related matters.

Dr. Stephan Schwilden, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Telefono: +49 69 24 70 97 36

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