act legal Germany 30. July 2021

Dr Felix Melzer, Dr Sven Tischendorf, MBA and Dr Alexander Höpfner are responsible for the self-administration of Rhein-Plast GmbH, Bad Dürkheim

Felix Melzer, Sven Tischendorf and Alexander Höpfner have been responsible for the self-administration of the long-established manufacturer of special films, among other things, since 18 June 2021.

In the course of the preparation and implementation of the self-administration proceedings pursuant to § 270 ff, 270b InsO (“protective shield proceedings”), Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA, Dr. Alexander Höpfner and Dr. Felix Melzer strengthen the management of Rhein-Plast GmbH as general representatives both operationally and as experts in insolvency law.

The unfortunate combination of the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the raw materials crisis on the strongly international supplier relationships had unexpectedly placed a heavy burden on the business of Rhein-Plast GmbH. Rhein-Plast GmbH has good substance and at the same time the order situation is currently increasing significantly. With the help of the protective umbrella, the operative business can be continued in an orderly manner in every respect and can also be developed sustainably.

Rhein-Plast GmbH is an owner-managed family business based in Ungstein, a district of Bad Dürkheim. It was founded in 1959 in Ludwigshafen-Ruchheim and has been producing at the Bad Dürkheim-Ungstein site since 1969.

Rhein-Plast GmbH produces high quality films (PE films) and packaging materials made of recycled plastic from polyethylene granulates. The films produced are processed into bags, sleeves, pouches, rolls and sacks of various sizes and designs for a wide range of packaging applications. Rhein-Plast GmbH’s customers are primarily companies in the pharmaceutical, medical and bio-tech industries, the chemical industry, the food industry, suppliers to the automotive industry, the clothing industry, furniture manufacturers and waste disposal companies. The company focuses on the production of primary packaging materials for the pharmaceutical industry and other applications with high hygiene requirements.

With an annual turnover of approximately EUR 12 million, Rhein-Plast GmbH employs 107 people.

With the well-known self-administration proceedings of Baden-Board, Picard, JMT, Hallhuber and Vossloh-Schwabe already successfully completed in 2020/2021 and the self-administration proceedings of Saurer Spinning Solutions currently underway, act AC Tischendorf’s insolvency and restructuring practice, led by partners Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA, Dr. Alexander Höpfner and Dr. Felix Melzer, is one of the market leaders in Germany.

Rhein-Plast self-administration: act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte, Frankfurt: Dr. Felix Melzer (general representative), Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA (general representative), Dr. Alexander Höpfner (general representative)

Rhein-Plast insolvency administrator (Sachwalter): Reimer Rechtsanwälte, Mannheim: Thomas Rittmeister

270b certificate/self-administration planning: Turnaround Management Partners, Düsseldorf/Frankfurt a. M.: Nick Piepenburg, Marc Schneider

For more information please contact

Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 21

Dr. Alexander Höpfner

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 7097 33

Dr. Felix Melzer, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 21