act legal Czechia 23. November 2021

Jan Havel from act legal Czech Republic spoke at the All for Power conference

Jan Havel, partner of act Řanda Havel Legal, took part in 15th international expert conference and exhibition focused on power investment units all for power 2021. Jan gave a paper on BAT and BREF for large combustion plants (LCP) in a part dedicated to the investment plans  on upgrade of existing conventional  power plants  and district heating  plants. Further, he spoke about reviewing of integrated permits based on the Commission Decision on BAT Conclusions for LCP and also about legal conditions for granting an exception from BAT.

The conference took place on 15th and 16th November 2021 in hotel Clarion Congress Hotel Prague where more than 40 lecturing experts spoke about topics connected with power investment units. Speakers  focused especially on nuclear and conventional power plants, district heating plants, development of Czech and Slovak power sector in the worldwide context and export of the investment units.

For more information please contact

Mgr. Ing. Jan Havel

act legal Czechia Pilsen, Czechia
Phone: +420 222 537 500