
ACT WEBINAR: Ukraine war: Supply bottlenecks and price increases – What suppliers and customers need to know now

ACT Webinar

Since the start of the Ukraine war, the world has changed abruptly on all levels. Many companies are already feeling the effects considerably. Due to rising raw material and energy costs as well as procurement and supply bottlenecks, I am experiencing an enormous need for clarification in my consulting practice regarding the effects of the Ukraine crisis on contractual relationships with business partners. In particular, the following questions arise both from the supplier’s and the customer’s point of view:

  • What possibilities are there in ongoing business relationships to adjust prices due to increased raw material and energy costs?
  • Does a delivery stop due to the Ukraine crisis constitute force majeure?
  • Does a supplier default on delivery in the event of supply bottlenecks due to the Ukraine crisis?
  • Can a customer withdraw from a contract if the supplier is prevented from performing?
  • How can damage be averted from both the supplier’s and the customer’s perspective?

During our webinar, I will be happy to answer both the outlined questions and – as far as organisationally possible – your further questions.
The webinar has the following cornerstones:

  • We are offering the webinar via TEAMS on two dates, namely: Tuesday, 05 April 2022, 10:00-11:00 or Thursday, 07 April 2022, 10:00-11:00. (To register please click on the respective date, you will be redirected automatically to a Microsoft Teams invitation)
  • The webinar is free of charge
  • Time required: approx. 45 min (maximum 1 hour)
  • Number of slides: approx. 10

If you would like to take up our offer, please register for one of the above dates using the links provided. You will then automatically receive the participation link for the respective date after your registration.

Dr. Stefan Keck, MBA

Attorney at law
Telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 35

Pentru orice nelămuriri, te rugăm contactează

Lisa Fortmüller

Attorney at law
Telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 22