China Business

China Business

We have an absolutely perfect footing for doing business with China. Our virtually unique position in the market and our excellent contacts in China make us a strong partner. In fact, we build bridges in both directions.

Doing Business in China

We are one of very few European law firms to be registered at the Chongqing Judicial Bureau as “foreign counsel” for one of the leading commercial law firms in China (, with offices in Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guiyang and Hong Kong. This gives us excellent links not only to legal assistance, but also to the business world, especially to financial institutions, investors and authorities/administrative bodies. This means that we can guarantee our European clients the same high standard of consulting style and professional expertise in China as at home. Due to the high volume of business which we at act legal refer to our partner law firms in China every year, our clients are always considered preferred clients and accordingly receive first-class advice on attractive terms.

Doing Business in Europe

We have been advising Chinese companies, investors and law firms in Europe for more than 10 years. We represent the European operations of a large number of Chinese flag-ship/blue chip corporates and are trusted advisors of several renowned Chinese law firms. With Europe being our main focus, we manage our mandates holistically in the interests of our partner law firms in China. We have Chinese speaking lawyers among us at act legal and are familiar with the relevant mandating customs and budgeting regulations in China.

Our 13 offices are located in the central cities of Europe with a population of more than 320 million, representing more than 60% of Europe’s total economy. We are the only pan-European one-stop-shop law firm and, as such, can provide Chinese clients for the entire European business sector with a trusted key contact partner plus centrally managed gradual coverage of the European market. We are our clients’ confidantes in all commercial matters. It goes without saying that we therefore also make our excellent contacts in the business world available to you, especially our links to logistics-/distribution channels, customer base, sales intermediaries, management capacities, trade unions etc. Clients of act legal not only receive essential legal support in  culturally highly sensitive cross-border business, but real 360° care.

Our services for you in China/Europe

In particular, we advise on the following topics and provide support in:

  • Going China/Europe
  • National and cross-border transactions
  • Joint ventures
  • Company formation
  • Enforcement of claims
  • Protection of intellectual property
  • Restructuring and insolvency law
  • Employment law matters
  • Commercial law
  • Real estate law
  • 360° care


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act legal Uniqueness

Here is why act legal is the first choice of law firm for international businesses, corporate clients, investors, entrepreneurs and executives.

Reasons to work with us