

We are ranked among Europe’s leading practitioners in offering tailor-made advice in employment law.

We assist our clients in all areas of labour law, union law and social security law.

Our lawyers provide consultancy and assistance on all issues relating to the establishment, management and termination of employment relationships, both subordinate and independent, including the drafting of employment agreement, collective agreements, as well as the drafting of company policies and regulations.

We also advice on labour issues linked to extraordinary corporate transactions, restructuring processes and outsourcing operations (transfer of business).

We usually represent our clients before the Labor Sections of Courts and Courts of Appeal, as well as before the Supreme Court, in proceedings concerning all areas of labour law, trade union law and social security. Over the years we have gained significant experience in litigation concerning individual and collective dismissals, qualification of the nature of the employment relationship, duties and classification, mobbing, disciplinary proceedings, transfers of business and transfer of personnel, contracts for the supply of work/services, work accidents and occupational diseases, agency and consultancy relationships, anti-union conduct, social security and welfare obligations and benefits.

We operate in the most varied sectors of industry, commerce and services: f from engineering to telecommunications, from commerce to logistics, from construction to large-scale distribution, from professional training to healthcare, from multiservices to transport, from banking to insurance, up to non-profit sectors.

We provide extrajudicial and judicial consultancy and assistance also in the field of public employment.

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