

Labour Conracts

Drafting a simple labour contract is easy, provided you know how to ask the right questions before you start. Bulgarian labour law is quite detailed and has many specific mandatory obligations. One must bear in mind details like organization of the business hours, remote work (especially in 2020 and beyond!), breaks, disciplinary liability, limited enforcement of non-compete clauses, trade secret obligations, and privacy caveats. Our clients’ HR officers need legal support on all occasions of lay-offs, garden leave arrangements and the instigation of disciplinary sanctions.

Mass Lay-Offs

Unfortunately, business owners must use this drastic measure in times of sharp economic decline to keep the business afloat. However, such measures are often the target of intense scrutiny from the authorities given their negative social impact. Timely legal advice is strongly recommended to avoid sanctions or overruling mass dismissal procedures.

Management Dismissal / Golden Handshakes

When a business changes hands, the new owner would often choose to appoint a new management team to meet its targets. This must be done carefully to avoid hefty compensation claims or reputational damage.

Blue Cards & Labor Permits

The poor demographics and Bulgaria’s EU membership combined lead to shortages on the labour market experienced over the last 30 years. On the other hand, Bulgaria is an attractive destination for workers from the Western Balkans and former Soviet Union. To this end, the legislation has changed to accommodate the needs of outsourcing companies and those seeking to appoint highly qualified or seasonal workers. Despite those efforts, the procedures remain fairly complicated and dispersed in various legal acts which requires the assistance of a lawyer specialising in labour and immigration.

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