Fintech regulatory

Fintech regulatory

Companies must be ready to comply with the MiCA regulations, the DLT regulations, the new Securities Market Law, the upcoming digital identity regulations, etc.

Many companies, whether or not they operate in the Fintech sector, use Fintech tools in their daily operations, rely on innovative self-funding methods such as crowdfunding, or manage payments through neo-banks. Meanwhile, new players are gradually gaining access to a sector that was, until quite recently, run by a select few. This is giving rise to new concepts such as open banking, crowdfunding, and stable coins, with a clear trend towards digitalisation.

In response to these changes, multiple regulations have been passed at the national and European levels with their corresponding adaptations by member states.

Preparing for the upcoming regulations—and there are many in the Fintech sector—is just as important.


  • Legal assistance for the creation and authorisation of regulated entities
  • Regulatory legal advice (securities market, AML, consumption, advertising, etc.) for Fintech companies
  • Corporate governance and regulatory compliance with clients of financial institutions
  • Registration of exchanges and financial custodians with the Bank of Spain
  • Supervision, inspection, and sanction procedures
  • Representation before regulatory bodies
  • Legal assistance with the implementation of national and international financial regulations
  • Prudential and solvency regulations, payments and electronic money, etc.
  • Support for acquisition operations, acquisition of shares, merger or spin-off of regulated entities
  • Analysis of legal entities and corporate structures
  • Procedures for modification or extension of activity and delegation of functions

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