act legal Czechia 1. října 2019

act legal Czech Republic: advice on acquisition of one of the largest solar power plants in CZ

act legal Czech Republic, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL, under the leadership of Alois Šatava and Matyáš Kužela, represented Jufa Investment Group in connection with the purchase of one of the largest Czech solar parks, the photovoltaic power plant Brno Tuřany. This transaction moved Jufa’s investment group up to third amongst owners of photovoltaic power plants in the Czech Republic.

In addition to this transaction, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL provided Jufa Investment Group with legal advice in connection with the purchase of most of the 20 solar photovoltaic plants that currently comprise Jufa’s portfolio.

Jufa Investment Group is one of the fastest growing owners of solar power plants in the Czech Republic. Based on the transparent structure of two investors, Jan Chrenko and Jiří Fast, it focuses on energy – especially renewable energy sources, mainly photovoltaic power plants.

Brno-Tuřany Photovoltaic Power Plant, the fourth largest solar park in the Czech Republic, consists of three parts operated by the companies BS Park I. s.r.o., BS Park II. s.r.o. and BS Park III. s.r.o. The total installed capacity of the plant is almost 22 MW. The power plant consists of 90,000 panels and was put into operation in 2009 and 2010.

Pro více informací prosíme kontaktujte

Mgr. Alois Šatava

act legal Czechia Prague, Czechia
Telefon: +420 222 537 500

Mgr. Matyáš Kužela

act legal Czechia Prague, Czechia
Telefon: +420 222 537 500