act legal Germany 27. listopadu 2017

act legal goes China – The ZHH Legal Forum on Outbound Investment

On 15 November, 2017 act legal Germany, AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte took part in the ZHH Legal Forum on Outbound Investment in Chongqing, China.

A very interesting event with speaches from law firms from all over the world.

As representative of AC Tischendorf, Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA spoke about the „Attractiveness of distressed investments in Germany“. Currently, Germany is the most attractive investment location in Europe due to its industry and political economic environment. He also guided through the triggers for successful Chinese investments in Germany.

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Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Telefon: +49 69 24 70 97 21