act legal Austria 17. září 2018

Expansion financing for Saturo Foods

Paul Koppenwallner, act legal Austria, advised Saturo Foods, a start-up from Vienna, in the course of the participation of the investor Square One Foods. The provided capital by Square One Foods will be used for the further expansion of Saturo Foods (especially the geographic extension and its sales expansion). The investment amount is a medium six-figure sum.

Square One Foods is part of the Austrian Spitz Group (one of the biggest food producers in Austria), but working independently. Saturo Foods produces drinks which can replace whole meals. According to its own statements, it is one of the fastest growing start-ups in Austria. The Austrian food & beverage industry receives more and more attention from venture capital investors.

Pro více informací prosíme kontaktujte

Dr. Paul Koppenwallner, LL.M.

act legal Austria Vienna, Austria
Telefon: +43 512 59 55 700