act legal Publikacje

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MiCA Regulation 2024: Transforming Crypto Markets with Titles III & IV – Key Insights

The MiCA Regulation, coming into full effect on 30 June 2024, introduces Titles III and IV to revolutionize the crypto market. This regulatory framework aims to enhance investor protection and mark...

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Status quo vadis: Limits in the use of artificial intelligence

A concrete legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence in Europe does not yet exist. Nevertheless, there are legal hurdles to consider when using it.

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Law on whistleblowing adopted by the Romanian Parliament. What does the final shape look like?

The law implementing the 2019/1937 EU Directive on "whistleblowing" was adopted by the Romanian Parliament. Below we provide a short analysis of the Law.


Do you want to work remotely from Romania? Now it’s easier to do so.

Short overview of the latest Law No. 22/2022, by which foreign digital nomads are now granted the right to obtain long stay visa in Romania


Crowdfunding services in light of ECSP Regulation

10 listopada 2021 r. rozpocznie się okres stosowania przepisów Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2020/1503 z dnia 7 października 2020 r. w sprawie europejskich dostawców usług fin...


How R U CEE? Wszystko co musisz wiedzieć na temat nieruchomości komercyjnych

Raport opisuje bieżącą sytuację oraz zmiany na rynku nieruchomości w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w czterech krajach: Polsce, Czechach, Rumunii i na Węgrzech. Publikacja przedstawia analizę rynku ni...


Romanian Kurzarbeit scheme

Kurzarbeit scheme now saving jobs in Romania. The COVID-19 Pandemic triggered a series of legislative changes, more or less difficult to implement, especially in a tight timeframe. Labour law was e...


Handbook for Supervisory Board Members

The "Handbook for Supervisory Board Members" has been given a new and red-hot chapter - from compliance risk management to liability issues.

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Esports – a booming industry with unique legal needs

The Esports ecosystem has evolved in terms of professionalism, economically as well as legally.

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Kiedy Roboty decydują!

Nie jest to nowy wynalazek XXI wieku, ale już od pytania Alana Turinga „Czy maszyny mogą myśleć?” w latach pięćdziesiątych w kadencji.

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Whistleblowing. New legal obligations imposed on companies to ensure a healthy business environment

Whistleblowing and how the business environment can avoid major property sanctions, in an article signed by two of our lawyers specializing in criminal law. In October 2019, the European Council ap...


Who should worry about the European Public Prosecutor’s Office?

Starting November 2020, any person or company (be it a startup or a multinational), which manages or wants to obtain financing through European funds, can be targeted by the operationalization of t...


New measures in the field of companies regarding the organization and conduct of meetings of statutory bodies

Most likely, convening statutory meetings without the physical presence of members will become an approach increasingly used in society. How can such general meetings be organized and conducted acc...


The measure of preventive detention in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Bill B238, through article 56, provides some special measures regarding the execution of pre-trial detention during the COVID-19 period, in Romania. In this context, our article presents some consi...


Day Zero after the Emergency State End – the kit of measures for the transition to a „new” normal

About the transition to a "new" normal and the changes that the pandemic will bring to the business environment, consumption strategy and everyday life. Our article welcomes day zero with a set of ...


Is there a risk for companies to be exposed to criminal investigations for non-complying with the measures implemented by the authorities?

Following the accelerated spread of COVID-19, the President of Romania declared the state of emergency for a period of 30 days as of 16 March 2020, which was afterwards extended until 15 may. The r...


Employment Relations of Medical Personnel During the State of Emergency

A less discussed, but very relevant topic during the state of emergency in Romania, especially for those in the front line of the fight against the pandemic. Article 56 of Annex 1 of Decree no. 240...


Digitization of the criminal process and the right to a fair trial

Digitalization of criminal proceedings is a subject that should be under the scrutiny of public attention, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, now, more than ever, we are witnessing a pre...


The (unregulated) Story of Access Roads

The purpose of this material is to present some of the solutions put into practice so far in the hope that these issues will be gradually made more transparent and regulated through a general appli...


The new False Statements offence and how not to become a nation of criminals

At the beginning of the Pandemic times, in Romania, a high reluctance of Romanians to follow the authorities recommendations meant for stopping the spread of COVID – 19 virus could be noticed. As s...


New guide of the US Department of Justice – Requirements for a Compliance Management System

This paper was published in comply 3/2019, p. 54ff. comply is the modern trade magazine for compliance officers in companies and organizations.

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Probationary period flops – A look at employment law: about unfounded dismissals, expensive competition clauses and extended “assessment phases”

This paper was published in Markt und Mittelstand 04/2020, p. 14f.. Markt und Mittelstand is a specialist magazine for medium sized companies. Almost every month, managers read up to date informati...

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#MeToo? – Relevant answers

This paper was published in personalmagazin 8/2018, p. 40 ff. Personalmagazin is Germany's most widely read specialist magazine in the field of human resources. Every month, HR directors and manag...

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Bridge part time: right to return full time

This paper was published in IHK Report 2/2019, p. 6.

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Travel time = working time?

This paper was published in personalmagazin 5/2019, p. 90 ff. Personalmagazin is Germany's most widely read specialist magazine in the field of human resources. Every month, HR directors and manag...

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Who does not know the own Compliance rules, is unsuitable for the guidance of the company?

This paper was published in Compliance Berater 12/2019, p. 502 Compliance Berater is a monthly newspaper focused on corporate compliance, risk analysis and identification, compliance management an...

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Your boss, the roboter – Robotics from a labour law perspective

This paper was published in Börsen-Zeitung, Edition no. 242, 15 December. Börsen-Zeitung is a daily newspaper focused on financial markets.

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Prawo pracy w Europie – przewodnik dla praktyków

Celem publikacji jest dostarczenie inwestorom i firmom praktycznego przewodnika w zakresie prawa pracy w wybranych krajach Europy.


Fuzje i przejęcia w Europie – przewodnik dla praktyków

Przewodnik napisany przez praktyków dla międzynarodowych inwestorów, zawierający podsumowanie najważniejszych kwestii dotyczących transakcji transgranicznych w wybranych krajach Europy.


Practitioners’ Guide for M&A in Germany (Chinese)

A practical guide for international investors, managers and lawyers in Chinese about the most important topics in cross-border transactions in Germany.


Practitioners’ Guide for Labour Law in Germany (Chinese)

The purpose of this book is to provide investors and companies with a practical guide for labour law in Germany.


Nieruchomości w Europie – przewodnik dla praktyków

Celem publikacji jest omówienie zagadnień nieruchomościowych w wybranych krajach Europy, przydatnych w praktyce międzynarodowym inwestorom i firmom.


The Supervisory Board: Rules of Procedure | Administrative Offences

This paper was published in Handwörterbuch für Aufsichtsräte, Handelsblatt Fachmedien GmbH, p. 837 ff.

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What’s up CEE? Wszystko co musisz wiedzieć na temat nieruchomości komercyjnych

Raport przedstawia analizę bieżącej sytuacji oraz zmian, jakie nastąpiły w ostatnich pięciu latach w czterech krajach: Polsce, Czechach, Rumunii i na Węgrzech. Koncentruje się na rynku nieruchomośc...


act legal co nas wyróżnia?

act legal specjalizuje się w doradztwie na rzecz międzynarodowych klientów biznesowych i korporacyjnych, firm z sektora private equity, inwestorów, przedsiębiorców oraz kadry zarządzającej.

Dlaczego warto nas wybrać?