act legal Bulgaria

Excellent Legal Services

Mixing Experience with Drive, we start afresh in order to deliver the best possible legal service. “Won't work”, doesn't work – and especially not with us. If “the box” is not supposed to be the intellectual boundary and you place value on speed, clever ideas and tactical intuition, we are the right law firm for you. We score points for extraordinary solutions in all situations.

We have the financial & payment sector at heart. This is our native field and our team is the go-to option for complex legal scans, licensing exercises and sector-specific litigation.
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A piece of sound corporate law advice goes a long way. This practice underpins our excellence in many others.
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Bulgaria’s recent history and diverse landscape make its real estate and urban planning law quite challenging to negotiate.
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When your business is not established in the EU (you are located in UK, for example) however your company still offers goods or services to EU data subjects or monitors their behaviour, GDPR obliges your company to appoint a representative in the EU. We are ready to serve as your EU representative and advise you on all data protection issues and being your EU data protection contact. Shoot us an Email for more details about the service.
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Toto sú dôvody, prečo je act legal voľba č. 1 medzi právnickými firmami pre nadnárodné spoločnosti, korporácie, investorov, podnikateľov a generálnych manažérov

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