act legal Poland

Małgorzata Wąsowska is named partner at act legal Poland

The circle of partners at BSWW, act legal Poland, has been joined by Małgorzata Wąsowska, tax advisor with many years of experience in consulting.

“Comprehensive legal and tax services are our priority. We are one of the biggest Polish law firms and as of this year were are a member of international legal network act legal, so the legal solutions we offer must be effective in both business and tax terms. Małgorzata is an experienced and capable manager, her sense of business and knowledge of the market are much appreciated by our clients,” says Jacek Bieniak, managing partner at act BSWW.

Find more details about Małgorzata’s professional profile here.

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Małgorzata Wąsowska

act legal Poland Warsaw, Poland
Telefón: +48 22 420 59 59