act legal Czechia

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

In accordance with the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act no. 634/1992 Coll., we hereby inform all of our clients who are acting as consumers in contractual relationships with our law firm act Řanda Havel Legal advokátní kancelář s.r.o. (act legal Czech Republic) that they have the option to resolve any potential consumer disputes arising from our provision of legal services by means of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) proceedings before the Czech Bar Association (CBA). If a law firm and its client acting as a consumer fail to reach an amicable resolution to a dispute, the client is entitled to ask the CBA for ADR proceedings in order to reach a solution.

The CBA’s website is, where you can find more information about ADR proceedings and how to initiate them, if necessary.

акт лийгъл Уникалност

Ето защо Акт Лийгъл е първият избор за адвокатска кантора на международни компании, корпоративни клиенти, инвеститори, предприемачи и ръководители.

Причини да работите с нас