act legal Italy


act legal Italy is an exciting and inspiring place to work.

Open-door policy

We work hard, but in an environment that does not add to the stresses of high-stakes legal work.

Doors are kept open, partners and associates mingle, lawyers and staff all greet one another by thier first names.

Recognition & Responsibility

As trusted members of the team, associates will be recognised for the great work they do and the role they play in contributing to the growth of the firm.

New associates take on as much responsibility as they can handle, working directly with clients, drafting agreements, arguing motions and even handling trials early in their careers.

Rise up to your full potential

We encourage our associates to exceed their own expectations, to become better lawyers than they imagined they could be.

We are committed to exceptional quality and creativity in our legal work.

We foster young talent

We hope and expect to attract multi-faceted, smart, self-motivated, considerate and industrious people of good character with a positive outlook on life.

We actively foster your English business language skills – attend our in-house language training or take the opportunity to „touch base“ in one of our foreign offices.

The key to success

We hpe and expect to attract multi-faceted, smart, self-motivated, considerate and industrious people of good character with a positive outlook on life.

We actively foster your English business language skills – attend our in-house language training or take the opportunity to „touch base“ in one of our foreign offices.

Career @ LegalUs

Our clients do not have to jump through hoops – and neither do you as an applicant. To send us your application or if you have any questions, please make direct contact with the person in charge at the act legal Italy office.

акт лийгъл Уникалност

Ето защо Акт Лийгъл е първият избор за адвокатска кантора на международни компании, корпоративни клиенти, инвеститори, предприемачи и ръководители.

Причини да работите с нас