Innovation-Tech Product

Дигитален портал за доставчици

Изключително дигитализираният портал на групата на доставчиците от act legal Germany е персонализиран портал, който не само опростява присъединяването към групата на доставчиците и регистрирането на права за разделяне, но и служи като централен информационен център между администрацията на групата и членовете на групата.

The Supplier Pool Tool

The supplier pool tool and the data collected here enable us to make regular statements about the financial exposure of the suppliers as well as the trade credit insurers of the debtor. Via the cockpit of the tool, the creditor can find out the current status quo of the assertion of his rights and is also informed by us about all other circumstances relevant to him.

Thanks to the tool, creditors can easily join the supplier pool with just a few clicks. The registration of rights to separate satisfaction is possible in a variety of ways. The tool guides the creditors step by step through the procedure with explanations.

The tool gives creditors clear access to all supplier pools they have joined with act legal Germany.

Dr. Fabian Laugwitz, MBA, LL.M. Eur.

Attorney at law
act legal Germany AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 35

Dr. Alexander Höpfner

Attorney at law
act legal Germany AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 7097 33