Travel time = working time?

In practice, there are always questions as to the extent to which time spent travelling is to be remunerated as working time. Recently, a decision by the Federal Labor Court in this context has attracted a great deal of attention. With this ruling, the Erfurt judges have laid down a number of principles regarding the obligation to remunerate travel time modified. However, it will still be necessary to differentiate between working time law and remuneration.

Who does not know the own Compliance rules, is unsuitable for the guidance of the company?

The topic of compliance is moving even further into the foreground for managing directors after a ruling by the OLG Hamm 1 in May of this year. In the overall view with the law for the fight against corporate crime (« Association Sanctions Act »), the draft of which was recently presented by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (« BMJV »), it is foreseeable that all managing directors will promptly – if they have not already done so – familiarise themselves with the compliance management system (« CMS ») in their company and with the compliance management system (« CMS ») in their company and have to deal more intensively with their own range of duties.

Your boss, the roboter – Robotics from a labour law perspective

Dr. Thomas Block, MBA claims that the technological progress does not only allow employers to support human workforce by intelligent systems, but also to replace it in specific areas, inter alia in superior positions. That is why it is about time to address the legal framework respectively.

The Supervisory Board: Rules of Procedure | Administrative Offences

Comprehensive orientation on the central topics of supervisory board practice

Supervisory boards not only have to deal with constantly changing legal requirements and regulations. Rising expectations of the public and investors, digitization and the increasing complexity of business models also make their work increasingly challenging.

In order to be able to act at any time in everyday work, it is essential to obtain information quickly and soundly. The handbook for supervisory boards provides you with a comprehensive orientation on the central topics of supervisory board practice – from A for supervisory board remuneration to Z for approval requirements.