Reorganisation: Experienced and well-established ACT team responsible for the self-administration of Alpha Real Estate Holding and 13 subsidiaries

Alexander Höpfner, Sven Tischendorf and Felix Melzer as well as Tara Kamiyar-Müller (Real Estate) have been responsible for the self-administration of the Germany-wide asset and investment manager and leading company in the privatisation of residential real estate – Alpha Real Estate Group – since 27 November 2023.

The entire property and construction industry in Germany is currently struggling with the consequences of high interest rates, rising construction costs and uncertainty in the face of falling property prices. In recent months, for example, the major nationwide property project developer Gerch and Euroboden in Munich, Nuremberg-based Project Immobilien and the Düsseldorf-based property companies Centrum and Development Partner have already had to file for insolvency.

Due to the economic challenges posed by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and, in particular, the drastic rise in interest rates and the resulting restraint on the financing and investment market, Alpha Real Estate’s business model has now also found itself in a precarious situation. business model of Alpha Real Estate also found itself in a precarious situation, which led to liquidity bottlenecks and the need for comprehensive restructuring.

With the subsequent applications for self-administration for Alpha Real Estate Holding and 13 of its subsidiaries, which the Mannheim Local Court decided in favour of, the starting signal has now been given for successful and far-reaching restructuring and reorganisation measures towards a repositioning and realignment in the current market. Jens Lieser from the insolvency law firm Lieser Rechtsanwälte, which specialises in insolvency law, has been appointed as provisional administrator.

With a transaction volume of 1.4 billion and a portfolio of 350 thousand square metres of residential and commercial space, the Mannheim-based investment house has been successfully designing and developing investment properties for private investors, tenants and owner-occupiers as well as institutional investors throughout Germany for 10 years with its full-service concept. Alpha Real Estate’s range of services covers the entire property value creation process, from buying and selling to active and value-enhancing asset and property management.

The ACT team is optimally positioned for the planned reorientation, as in addition to the well-known insolvency and restructuring practice of Sven Tischendorf and Alexander Höpfner, the strong expertise of the ACT Real Estate division under the leadership of Tara Kamiyar-Müller, which focuses on special property law situations/restructurings, will also be deployed here.

Alpha Real Estate self-administration:
act legal Germany (act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte), Frankfurt: Dr. Alexander Höpfner (lead, general representative, CIO), Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA (lead, general representative, CRO), Dr. Felix Melzer (general representative, restructuring), Dr. Tara Kamiyar-Müller (real estate restructuring), Dr. Fabian Laugwitz, MBA, LL.M. (real estate, commercial)

Realignment – Salamander Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG and 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿 are being restructured in self-administration

Dr. Sven Tischendorf, MBA and Dr. Alexander Höpfner were appointed to the management board on 13 December 2022 and, together with the two other managing directors Jens Keller and Jens Peter Klatt, have since ensured the successful and unrestricted continuation of both traditional companies.

Please click here for more details (article in German language only).

act legal w Polsce doradza Adventum przy nabyciu Sky Tower – transakcji o wartości ponad 84 mln euro

Adventum Group, grupa firm zarządzających funduszami inwestycyjnymi działająca na międzynarodowym rynku, zakupi Sky Tower – najwyższy budynek we Wrocławiu i jeden z najwyższych w Polsce. Wartość transakcji wynosi ponad 84 mln euro.

Develia S.A. (sprzedajacy) oraz Adventum Group (kupujący) zawarły umowę przedwstępną sprzedaży udziałów w Sky Tower. Transakcja ma być sfinalizowana do końca 2021 roku.

Kancelaria act legal w Polsce (act BSWW legal & tax) doradzała na rzecz Adventum w zakresie zawarcia umowy przedwstępnej i będzie kontynuować świadczenie usług prawnych na rzecz kupującego do zakończenia transakcji. Dotychczasowe doradztwo kancelarii obejmowało: badanie due diligence nieruchomości, przygotowanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej oraz wsparcie w procesie negocjacji.

Zespołem transakcyjnym kierowali radca prawny Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) oraz adwokat Marek Wojnar (Partner Zarządzający, współkierujący praktyką nieruchomości w kancelarii). Zespołem due diligence kierowała radca prawny Katarzyna Marzec (Partner). Zespół transakcyjny wspierała adwokat Anna Sawaryn (Starszy Prawnik).

„Wzrost portfela nieruchomości Adventum w Polsce jest imponujący. Jesteśmy dumni z zaufania jakim obdarza nas jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się funduszy na polskim rynku” – komentuje Marta Kosiedowska, Partner w act BSWW legal & tax.

„Wraz z tą transakcją portfel nieruchomości biurowych Adventum przekroczył powierzchnię 125,000 m², a nabycie Sky Tower wzmocniło pozycję Adventum na rynku nieruchomości w Polsce. Po raz kolejny mamy przyjemność wspierać naszego Klienta w ramach tak prestiżowej transakcji” – dodaje Marek Wojnar, Partner Zarządzający w act BSWW legal & tax.

Sky Tower jest jednym z najwyższych kompleksów biurowo-handlowo-mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Wysokość tego 50-piętrowego budynku wynosi 212 m. Poza powierzchnią najmu o wielkości 30.500 m², budynek oferuje 25.000 m² powierzchni handlowej, luksusowe apartamenty, bogate zaplecze rekreacyjne oraz wielopoziomowy parking podziemny. Całkowita powierzchnia budynku wynosi ok. 171.000 m².

Adventum Group to grupa butikowych firm zarządzających funduszami inwestycyjnymi, skoncentrowana na środkowoeuropejskich inwestycjach w nieruchomości. Zespół funduszu to doświadczeni specjaliści w zakresie nieruchomości z kwalifikacjami CFA, NRW oraz MRICS i łącznym doświadczeniem inwestycyjnym ponad 70 lat. Do tej pory fundusz zrealizował inwestycje w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej o łącznej wartości 1,5 mld EUR.

Doradcą sprzedającego była kancelaria Dentons.

act legal w Polsce doradza Adventum przy nabyciu Marynarska Point 1

Adventum Group, grupa firm zarządzających funduszami inwestycyjnymi działająca na międzynarodowym rynku, z sukcesem sfinalizowała transakcję nabycia Marynarska Point 1 w Warszawie od Savills Fund Management GmbH. Marynarska Point 1 to nowoczesny budynek biurowy oferujący 13.000 mkw. powierzchni najmu. Dzięki tej transakcji portfolio nieruchomości biurowych Adventum przekroczyło powierzchnię 75.000 mkw.

Kancelaria act BSWW legal & tax doradzała na rzecz Adventum w zakresie całego procesu nabycia nieruchomości. Doradztwo obejmowało: przygotowanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej, wsparcie w procesie negocjacji oraz doradztwo transakcyjne.

Zespołem transakcyjnym kierowali radca prawny Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) oraz adwokat Marek Wojnar (Partner Zarządzający, współkierujący praktyką nieruchomości w kancelarii). Zespołem due diligence kierowała radca prawny Magdalena Banaszczyk-Głowacka (Partner). Zespół transakcyjny wspierała Anna Olmińska-Kieżun (Prawnik).

– Jest to piąta nieruchomość zakupiona przez Adventum w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat; firma nabyła dotychczas Centrum Finansowe w Poznaniu, Renaissance Plaza w Warszawie, Katowice Business Point w Katowicach oraz Centrum Orląt we Wrocławiu – komentuje Marta Kosiedowska, Partner w act BSWW legal & tax.

– Cieszymy się z zaufania, jakim obdarza nas Klient. Mieliśmy okazję doradzać Adventum przy wszystkich tych projektach. Obecnie doradzamy funduszowi przy jego kolejnych przedsięwzięciach w Polsce – dodaje Marek Wojnar, Partner Zarządzający w act BSWW legal & tax.

Marynarska Point 1 to budynek biurowy klasy A, oferujący ponad 13.000 mkw. powierzchni biurowej na 11 kondygnacjach.

Adventum Group to grupa butikowych firm zarządzających funduszami inwestycyjnymi, skoncentrowana na środkowoeuropejskich inwestycjach w nieruchomości. Zespół funduszu to doświadczeni specjaliści w zakresie nieruchomości z kwalifikacjami CFA, NRW oraz MRICS i łącznym doświadczeniem inwestycyjnym ponad 70 lat. Do tej pory fundusz zrealizował inwestycje w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej o łącznej wartości 1,5 mld EUR.

Doradcą sprzedającego była kancelaria Dentons.

act legal w Polsce doradza Adventum przy refinansowaniu biurowca w Poznaniu

Adventum, międzynarodowy fundusz inwestycyjny, z sukcesem sfinalizował transakcję refinansowania Poznańskiego Centrum Finansowego. Nowe finansowanie zostało przyznane przez bank Berlin Hyp AG.

Kancelaria act legal Polska doradzała na rzecz Adventum w zakresie całego procesu refinansowania. Doradztwo obejmowało: przygotowanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej, wsparcie w procesie negocjacji oraz doradztwo transakcyjne.

Zespołem transakcyjnym kierowała radca prawny Marta Kosiedowska (Partner) oraz adwokat Marek Wojnar (Partner Zarządzający, współkierujący praktyką nieruchomości w kancelarii), przy wsparciu adwokata Mariusza Grochowskiego (Starszy Prawnik).

Z satysfakcją wspieramy Adventum przy kolejnym projekcie dotyczącym finasowania działalności naszego Klienta na rynku nieruchomości w Polsce – mówi Marta Kosiedowska.

Adventum to grupa butikowych firm zarządzających funduszami inwestycyjnymi, skoncentrowana na środkowoeuropejskich inwestycjach w nieruchomości.

Doradcą Berlin Hyp AG była kancelaria Deloitte Legal.

Corona pandemic can be classified as force majeure

In a decree issued by the Federal Ministry of Construction on 23.03.2020, the federal government announced that the corona pandemic can be classified as force majeure in individual cases for public buildings. At the same time, however, it intends to continue with its construction projects and only interrupt them when official measures come into force, if these measures make further construction activities impossible, such as the construction of a new building, for example:

– quarantine of most construction workers or

– decree of prohibition to enter.

This is stated in a decree of the Federal Ministry of Building and Construction from Monday. The addressee is the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning.

Force majeure possible in individual cases

In the letter, which was addressed to the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, the ministry gives advice on how to deal with process disturbances in construction. According to this, the Corona pandemic is in principle suitable to trigger the facts of force majeure according to § 6 Para. 2 No. 1 VOB/B (German Construction Contract Procedures). 'Force majeure usually means an unforeseen event which cannot be averted economically even by exercising the utmost care.’

The ministry does not see these strict requirements as generally given. The Ministry recommends that the subordinate authorities check in each individual case why a company is not efficient. Exemplary reasons are:

– that the authorities have quarantined a large number of employees,

– no replacement can be found,

– Building material is missing or

– that workers can no longer come to the construction site due to travel restrictions.

The Ministry of Construction is thus responding to the demands of the building associations, whose interest is to protect defaulting companies from recourse claims by clients.

In case of doubt for the construction company

Doubts may remain during the examination. The authorities are required to 'handle the statements required by the contractor in individual cases with a sense of proportion, pragmatism and with a view to the overall situation’. With the letter, the Ministry of Construction also took into account the demand of the construction industry for fee payments and thus for securing liquidity. Invoices are to be checked and paid immediately, the decree warns.

COVID-19 epidemic – practical guide for the real estate sector

Below you will find information and recommendations on the status of the epidemic threat to the real estate industry due to the regulations and decrees that have now come into force.

1. Tenants and leaseholders of commercial (and also office) properties are unable to conduct their business

The officially ordered closures due to the corona virus are probably to be judged as extraordinary coincidences in the sense of §§ 1104f ABGB (Austrian Civil Code), which leads to the need to clarify whether the owners of the property are exempted from paying the interest (including ancillary charges such as operating costs) or can demand a reduction corresponding to the impairment, even if the owner is not at fault. Although there is no relevant case law on an exactly comparable case, § 1104 ABGB expressly mentions, for example, epidemics as an extraordinary coincidence; the fulfilment of this definition has been assumed by case law, among other things, also in the case of an officially decreed ban on product processing in the leased company. In addition, the tenant may under certain circumstances terminate the tenancy agreement with immediate effect for good cause, whereby a certain minimum period of uselessness may be required. In the event of only partial unusability (if only one part of the business is affected) there is probably a claim to a corresponding reduction in rent.

The provisions on the legal consequences of the unusability of the existing property due to extraordinary coincidences are not mandatory law, so that deviating agreements are possible and the contractual agreement is therefore of particular importance.

On the other hand, a mere reduction in customer frequency without official closure or other causes inherent in the inventory item is generally assigned to the sphere of the property owner, unless a specific business transaction has been guaranteed or the contract has been used as the basis for the transaction. Here, the contractual agreement is of major importance.

In addition to the purely legal assessment, in the current phase the future procedure for the continuation of desired inventory relationships, e.g. dissolution of unwanted existing relationships and, if necessary, appropriate agreements with the existing owners must be made.

It is recommended that you analyse the rental and lease agreements, especially with regard to

  • Definition of the actual group of tenants covered by the restrictions;
  • Provisions relating to force majeure;
  • The nature of the lessee/tenant’s business activity (maintenance of the necessary resources for the population);
  • Provisions relating to liability under the warranty covering the defects of title of the building;
  • New regulations/measures by the government, establishing a uniform approach for all tenants covered by the restrictions (uniform practice);
  • Monitoring notices/letters from tenants;
  • Analysis of the leases, in particular with regard to other process-related measures that could be taken by the tenants;
  • Monitoring the filing of applications for interim relief with the competent courts. Jurisdiction could be determined on the basis of contractual provisions or applicable legal regulations;
  • Monitoring of notices/letters from tenants – potential pre-litigation announcements with requests for modification of contractual obligations.

2. The effect of the restriction on the dates laid down in stock contracts, removals, etc:

The restriction of business activities means that it is not possible to meet the opening or transfer dates. This also has a significant impact on other deadlines, e.g. early access or handover for the purpose of carrying out the work.

Recommended measures:

  • Analysis of contracts with regard to force majeure, setting or calculating deadlines, terminations, penalties for late delivery, penalties for not starting operations, and clauses on occupancy rates, the presence of certain other tenants or sectors and pedestrian/turnover targets;
  • Monitoring of notices/letters from tenants/leaseholders not affected by the restriction; monitoring of their activities;
  • Definition of the actual group of tenants covered by the restrictions;
  • Establishing a uniform approach for all tenants covered by the restrictions (uniform practice).

3. Limitation of the services provided by the landlords for their buildings due to the suspension of the tenants’ operations due to force majeure

Recommended measures:

  • Analysis of service/maintenance agreements (with regard to force majeure, „force majeure” contract termination and temporary suspension of services);
  • Coordination of the above activities with credit lines, terms of the bond issue, external loans and rental contracts/leases – in particular with regard to the provision of services to building operators (e.g. food stores), consequences of temporary service interruptions, etc;
  • Coordination of the aforementioned activities with the insurance conditions – in order to avoid loss of insurance cover due to restricted services;
  • Taking into account the need for an extended scope of services for buildings if the epidemiological situation justifies it, e.g. additional disinfection and cleaning services;Dealing with tenants/tenants/ owners who are obliged to restrict their business and therefore do not wish to pay higher service costs that would allow other tenants/owners / tenants to continue their business;
  • Analysis of the rental contracts (in terms of service charge settlements and ceilings/other restrictions);
  • Coordination of the above activities with the credit facility agreements, terms of the bond issue and external loans – e.g. in relation to the operating budget communicated to banks, bondholders and lenders;
  • Coordination of the above activities with the insurance conditions – to avoid loss of insurance cover due to limited benefits.

4. Effects of the lack of rental/service fee payments on external financing (credit framework agreements, terms of the bond issue, external loans)

Regardless of how long the current epidemiological situation lasts, the impact on external funding will be unfavourable.

Recommended measures:

  • Analysis of the credit facility arrangements and the terms of the bond issue with a view to existing commitments (principal and interest);
  • Indicators (especially debt service coverage ratio);
  • The possibility of applying a higher margin, requiring additional collateral or terminating the financing (e.g. significant adverse change or amendments to the Banking Act);
  • Updates of the operating budgets;
  • Consideration of asking the financing institutions for a grace period for repayment of interest/principal or to exclude the obligation to achieve certain ratios;

5. Impact of the epidemiological situation on the executed provisional land sale contracts

In view of the epidemiological situation and the resulting difficulties in operating commercial facilities (including the risk that new leases will not enter into force on the original dates), the implementation of the final agreements may be delayed. In addition, in view of the above, the purchaser (and in certain cases the seller) may wish to terminate the preliminary agreements or withdraw from the contract.

Recommended actions:

Analysis of the executed preliminary agreements with regard to:

  • Fulfilment of obligations in terms of turnover, handover/takeover or start of operations (in view of the fact that some lessees cannot open their shops);
  • The possibility of adjusting prices;
  • The possibility of changing conditions (e.g. extension of deadlines);
  • The possibility of terminating or revoking agreements, including those relating to repayable and non-repayable advances, the costs incurred (e.g. legal and technical due diligence costs) and the financing arrangements.

6. The impact of the epidemiological situation on the sales contracts executed, which entails an adjustment of the sales price on the basis of turnover or profit

In the event of a reduction/suspension of rent and a significant decrease in turnover, it could be difficult to determine prices, especially if they are based on the income of a specific building.

Recommended actions:

Analysis of executed contracts in terms of:

  • Effects on price settlement (particularly important for share transactions) and adjustment;
  • Impact of the extraordinary situation on the earn-out and reconciliation clauses (these clauses do not take into account the reduced turnover or rent as a result of extraordinary situations);
  • Possibility to modify the conditions (for example, extension of the deadlines for targets);
  • The possibility of terminating or revoking agreements, including those relating to repayable and non-refundable advances, the costs incurred (e.g. the costs of legal and technical due diligence) and the financing arrangements.

7. Effects of the epidemiological situation on insurance policies

Many buildings are covered (due to bank conditions) by rental loss insurance (and/or service charge). Most insurers will refuse to make payments due to the exceptional situation. It should be noted that in the case of debt financing, the insurance claims have been (conditionally or unconditionally) transferred to the financial institutions.

Recommended measures:

  • analysis of executed insurance contracts (general terms and conditions) with a view to the possibility of obtaining insurance compensation for loss of income;
  • analysis of the executed credit line contracts with a view to activating the insurance procedure (whether an insurance claim has been transferred to the financial unit; whether such a transfer was conditional or unconditional; whether the conditions were met; how the corresponding procedure is applied, etc.);

8. The impact of the epidemiological situation on construction contracts (general contractors, equipment, etc.), egneral contractors and other contractors of buildings or fitting-out

They may not be able to meet deadlines or budgets for reasons beyond their control. The delivery dates foreseen for buildings and leased property/rental agreements may not be met.

Recommended measures:

  • Analysis of agreements with contractors with regard to force majeure and changes in deadlines/budgets;
  • Analysis of related agreements (credit line agreements, terms of the bond issue, loan agreements) with regard to deadlines and activation of additional tranches.