Innovation-Tech Product


LegalTegrity is the digital whistleblowing solution for anonymous and digital collaboration between your company and internal or external whistleblowers.

The new EU directive for the protection of whistleblowers requires all companies with 50 or more employees to set up a whistleblower system.

Due to European legal requirements (Directive EU 2019/1937) for the protection of whistleblowers, companies with a business address within the European Union or groups of companies with 50 employees or more or with a turnover of 10 million euros or more must set up a professional whistleblower system. Using this system, employees must be able to anonymously report (potential) violations of the law within their respective organization using predefined processes.

LegalTegrity provides a digital whistleblowing solution for small and medium-sized companies.

Together with our compliance experts Dr. Thomas Altenbach and Marcus Columbu, “LegalTegrity” has co-developed a modern, digital solution for our clients that offers a trustworthy, anonymous and bi-directional communication channel that is 100% compliant with the Whistleblower Directive and all national implementation standards.

“LegalTegrity” combines our experience from years of compliance expertise with the latest IT technologies and has your back when it comes to dealing with critical whistleblowing. If there is a need for further action, we are available to advise you at all your locations within the EU so that you can deal appropriately with a critical tip and we can jointly initiate the necessary legal steps.

The platform is like a secure digital mailbox with two access points – one for whistleblowers and one for you and/or your advisors. Whistleblowers submit reports anonymously via the web or a mobile app. Predefined questions help to state the facts correctly. In addition, you or your consultants can ask the whistleblower questions for clarification via chat (without revealing his or her identity).


LegalTegrity in a nutshell

LegalTegrity offers you direct but secure interaction between whistleblower and recipient.

Your dashboard overview

In your personal dashboard you can keep track of all incoming reports and their processing status. It provides a GDPR comliant documentation and creates the required annual reports with your decisive KPIs.

Tailor-made questionnaire

Do not miss any details. Our user-friendly questionnaire with numerous options for individual adaption to your business model, industry and employees.

Tailor-made questionnaire

Adjustments can be made independently by the administrator without any previous knowledge.

Smart notifications

Always stay up to date. Our notifications will inform you whenever there is news from the whistleblower – in-app and by mail. You will also be reminded of legal deadlines for maximum policy compliance.

100% anonymity

For best possible protection of the whistleblower. In addition to the questionnaire, the whistleblower can upload supporting documents at any time. All meta data is automatically encrypted to prevent any inference of the identity.

Login area

Simple and secure login area for company and law firm system administrators as well as for whistleblowers to view the current status of the report.

Plug and play solution with immediate availability.

“LegalTegrity” is operated as SaaS and can therefore be used from any device without installation and update effort immediately after booking. An “on-premise” installation is therefore completely unnecessary. LegalTegrity also stores your data in a GDPR-compliant manner, regardless of which country of the European Union your company is located in, guaranteeing you remain compliant in this regard as well.

LegalTegrity is currently available in more than 15 EU languages. New languages are being added all the time.

In addition to the license fees, the packages include support from LegalTegrity’s customer up-port in your language, a digital onboarding package to introduce your employees to LegalTegrity, and training to help you understand LegalTegrity’s features.

Dr. Thomas Altenbach

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 46

Marcus Columbu

Attorney at law
act legal Germany Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 24 70 97 32

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