At act legal we believe that personality, courage and open-mindedness define the character of an organisation and are fundamental in achieving success.

Years old was our youngest lawyer when she became a partner
% Proportion of women
Nationalities in 11 European main offices


Our diverse personalities and individual talents make us a particularly strong partner.

With us, you will encounter people of different orientations and more than 30 nationalities who combine the best traits of their different worlds and cultures. We treat all people with respect. We create equal development opportunities in every way and with maximum support. An equal ratio of women and men has always been a given for us. This enables us to guarantee maximum performance with balanced actions and decisions.

The guidelines of the “Diversity Charter” are binding principles underlying our actions.



On a daily basis, as a service provider we are committed to helping conserve existing natural resources and meeting the challenge of climate change in any way we can.

As a successful company we are economically capable of investing in digitalization, modern technology and sustainable products.

Videoconferencing already takes the place of many of our business trips. Our state-of-the-art IT renders our offices almost paperless. We have been paying close attention to the energy efficiency of our offices for years and are successively converting to renewable energies.
Everything we do, we do ambitiously. The top group of service providers is our yardstick.


Pro-bono / community

Being a successful business we are happy to give back to the community. Both individually and at corporate level.

We support kindergartens, schools and amateur sports clubs. We promote and offer a large number of internships each year, aiming to attract students from different backgrounds. Giving them an opportunity to gain experience within our firms is of great importance to us.

We regularly offer our services at a reduced rate or even free of charge to selected companies or charities that can use a little extra help in the form of legal advice.


Corporate Culture

We know that culture is as important as strategy in determining business success but a coherent and dynamic culture cannot be built without people who share our core values. Our business values are enshrined in our practices. We work and play hard whilst striving to maintain an open, friendly culture for everyone and offering a fun, supportive culture where employees bring out the best in each other. We offer our employees benefits that improve their personal lives as well as their careers. In short, we understand what makes people tick!

We have upheld this culture despite our size. It is one of our core assets that we are proud of an that sets us apart.

Our own kindergarten, mobile office solutions and individual working hours with room for personal activities are all working conditions that have been a given for us for 20 years. Stays abroad, mentoring and further eductaion programs, off-site and social events are cornerstones of our warm-hearted and at the same time professional corporate culture.

With us you will feel secure. That is why our team is extremely consistent. We do not lose know-how, continuously grow stronger and are a lasting valuable partner for our clients.

Being a successful business we are happy to give back to the community. Both individually and at corporate level.